HUD Adopts New Rule for HOME Program, To Take Effect in April
Industry Leaders Discuss Future of Public Housing Under New Administration
Abram Mamet • 7 min read
The Department of Housing and Urban Development recently adopted a rule update to its Home Investment Partnerships program (HOME). This is the first major update to the HOME program since 2013.
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Case Study
Historic TN Building Features Affordable Housing Again

Mark Fogarty • 6 min read
The adaptive reuse of the historic Daugherty Furniture Company building in Clinton, TN, turning it into 39 units of affordable housing, is reviving one of its original uses, as the upper floors were devoted to housing when the retail property was built in the 1940s.
Case Study
NM Housing Innovation Program Can Be the Last Bucket of Money

Mark Fogarty • 7 min read
What happens if a development doesn’t qualify for one of Housing New Mexico’s many regular affordable housing programs?
Breaking Ground
Michael Novogradac, Managing Partner, Novogradac
Pamela Martineau • 8 min read
Tax Credit Advisor sat down with Novogradac to get his take on the current state of the industry and its future, as well as the pending policy issues that could greatly impact the industry.
“The Moment that the Big Tent was Built for”
Industry Leaders Discuss Future of Public Housing Under New Administration
Abram Mamet • 9 min read
The affordable housing sector, crucial for over a million Americans, is navigating uncertain times. A recent NH&RA panel offered a platform for thought leaders to discuss the future and share insights.
Build-to-Rent Single-Family Homes Enter the Affordable Housing Space
Pamela Martineau • 7 min read
Taking the cue from the success of build-to-rent (BTR) single-family homes in the market rate space, some affordable housing developers are building the product for low-income families looking to live in single-family homes. “We are building better quality, affordable housing for lower costs…,” explains Ben Taylor, vice president and project partner, development of Lincoln Avenue […]
Despite Structural Challenges, 202 Program Provides Lifeline to Senior Affordable Housing Industry
Abram Mamet • 9 min read
For mission-committed developers who have taken up the task of building subsidized affordable housing for seniors, HUD’s Section 202 program has continued to provide a vital financial boost to new senior housing projects.
Housing Advocates Look to Extend Opportunity Zones Program
Pamela Martineau • 5 min read
Housing advocates from Novogradac’s working group are hopeful that the Opportunity Zones (OZ) program will be extended and enhanced by incoming secretaries of the Treasury and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Monthly Columns
Industry Insights
Regulatory Reform in the Trump Administration
Kaitlyn Snyder • 3 min read
On his first day in office, President Trump issued a Presidential Action aimed at reducing the cost of living and increasing prosperity for American workers. This includes directives to lower housing costs and expand supply.
The Guru Is In
Entities Endure (For Better)
David A. Smith • 6 min read
In a story worthy of Charles Dickens, last Christmas Eve, Malcolm (Mike) Peabody, a 20th-century titan of affordable housing, died at the age of 96, all but unnoticed except for the legacy of initiatives and entities that he and his forebears have stood up over the decades. As I read his obituary, and that of his ancestor George Peabody, ‘the father of modern philanthropy,’ the thought came to me, entities endure.
Legally Speaking
To File a BOI or Not File a BOI, That is the Question
David Leon, Jay Shuman & Jeff Perry • 10 min read
When the CTA went into effect on Jan. 1, 2024, both newly formed and previously established companies, large and small (but mainly small) were to provide certain information to FinCEN detailing: 1) “Beneficial Ownership” and 2) “Company Applicants.”