State Agency Roundup

3 min read

Illinois Agency Launches New Preservation Initiative

The Illinois Housing Development Authority has launched a new statewide initiative to preserve affordable rental housing developments. The new initiative is funded by IHDA’s Multi-Family Initiative Bond program, which will make available $184 million in tax-exempt bond financing for development projects.


Minnesota Issues Proposed Changes for 2011 Credit Program

The Minnesota Housing Finance Agency has issued proposed revisions to its qualification allocation plan and its procedural manual for its 2011 low-income housing tax credit program. Meanwhile, MHFA has issued a notice soliciting applications from market analysts wishing to be added to its list of those approved to perform market studies for proposed tax credit projects.


Baltimore Agency Solicits Redevelopment Proposals

The Baltimore Development Corporation, on behalf of the city and a nonprofit agency, has issued a request for proposals for the redevelopment of five city-owned properties and a nonprofit headquarters building on the west side of downtown. The properties are in an urban renewal area. The proposal deadline is June 7.


Nebraska Releases 2010 Housing Study

The Nebraska Investment Finance Authority has released the 2010 Nebraska Housing Study. The annual study provides information about homeownership and rental housing needs in Nebraska, including statewide, regional, and city profiles.


Texas Issues HOME Funding NOFA  

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs is accepting applications for $11.5 million in federal HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds available to help finance the development of affordable rental housing for low-income households. Funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Wisconsin Extends LIHTC Deadline

The Wisconsin Housing Economic Development Authority has extended the application deadline for 2010 competitive low-income housing tax credits to April 9. Electronic applications must be submitted by 5 pm CST that day; accompanying paper application documentation postmarked by April 9. The agency expects to announce preliminary awards around June 18.


Ohio Releases Revised Draft QAP for 2011

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency has released a revised final draft of its 2011 qualified allocation plan for its low-income housing tax credit program, along with other information and a draft line.  Proposed deadlines include June 24, 2010, for applications for experience and capacity review and October 14, 2010, for proposals.    
