Celebrating NH&RA’s 50th Year
Paul Connolly: Blueprint for February, Half a century of people making connections
Thom Amdur: New Developments, Celebrating 50 years of meeting challenges by scaling our success
RETROSPECTIVE: NH&RA: A Think Tank for Affordable Housing
Helping translate policy into opportunities and transactions for 50 years
Breaking Ground: Geoffrey Brown, President & CEO, USA Properties Fund and incoming NH&RA chairman
HISTORIC TAX CREDIT: 40 Years of Historic Preservation and Community Revitalization
Can the past be prologue for the HTC
CASE STUDY: The Sibley Building in Rochester, NY
City within a city finishing final phases
CASE STUDY: Sage at Folsom
New model for affordable senior housing: home healthcare for all
TECHNOLOGY: Pronto Poses PropTech Solution for LIHTC
David A. Smith: The Guru Is In, American affordable housing in 50 years
Scott Beyer: Housing USA, A housing price boom comes to the boring metros