State Agency Roundup

2 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, Octorber 2009:

New York Releases Proposed 2010 QAP      

The New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal has released its proposed 2010 qualified allocation plan (QAP) for its low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) program. Among the significant proposed changes are: the addition of a new threshold eligibility provision to require all projects to meet certain energy efficiency requirements; identification of the green building scoring criteria that are mandatory to obtain the 10 points available; and a new scoring category (up to three points) for the rehabilitation of historic buildings.


New Hampshire Releases Draft 2010 QAP      

The New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority has issued its draft 2010 QAP for its LIHTC program. Significant proposed changes include: only one allocation round, in February; an increase in the per-project allocation cap to $800,000, for urban redevelopment projects; a boost in the capital subsidy limits; and a new scoring category based on tax credit equity pricing.


New Mexico Releases Draft 2010 QAP      

The New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority has released its 2010 draft QAP for its LIHTC program. The final 2010 QAP is expected to be released in early November.


Alabama Schedules Hearings on Draft 2010 QAP      

The Alabama Housing Finance Authority has issued a draft 2010 QAP for its LIHTC program, and a draft action plan for its 2010 HOME program. Written comments are due by 10/29/09.


Ohio Amends ARRA Implementation Plan      

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency has released an amendment to its implementation plan for its American Recovery and Reinvestment Act programs. The amendment allows OHFA to substitute Section 1603 Tax Credit Exchange funds for Tax Credit Assistance Program funds set aside for multifamily bond projects. The total amount of ARRA funds set aside for multifamily bond projects remains at $10 million.
