HUD Archives

NCHMA Establishes Guidelines for a Rent Comparability Study

5 min read

A rent comparability study (RCS) is often required for affordable and mixed-income rental developments.

Housing Trust Funds Increase Affordable Housing for Lowest-Income Households

What is the National Housing Trust Fund?

6 min read

The development and preservation of affordable housing units often require funding from multiple sources. One potential funding source for affordable housing developments for the lowest-income households is the National Housing Trust Fund.

icon The Guru Is In

Neither Fair, Nor Market, Nor Rent

6 min read

Names can outlive their purpose and their original meaning. Though the Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire, a cluster of mutually distrustful principalities with a largely symbolic head of state known as the Holy Roman Emperor maneuvered under that rubric for a thousand years after its 800 AD founding by Charlemagne before it was put to sleep by the 1815 Congress of Vienna. Such may yet be the fate of two venerable concepts, Fair Market Rent (FMR) and the Area Median Income (AMI). 

Large-Scale Effort to Convert Commercial to Residential Gets New Initiative     

Conversions Gain Federal and Local Support

6 min read

Office vacancies throughout the nation have reached a 30-year high and the country is amid an affordable housing crisis. These dual inflection points have increased housing advocates’ focus on conversions of commercial real estate into housing and encouraged federal and local governments to assist in the transformations.

Case Study

Replacing and Preserving Affordable Housing Amidst Urban Revitalization

The Perkins Homes Redevelopment – A“Choice Neighborhood”

7 min read

Since 2018, the City of Baltimore, the Housing Authority of Balti-more City (HABC), planners, architects and developers have been working on a comprehensive redevelopment of a large public housing project near the city’s famous Inner Harbor.

icon Industry Insights

Public Housing Innovations

4 min read

The needs of the public housing portfolio are well documented: annual shortfalls in Congressional funding dating back to the 1980s have contributed to an estimated capital backlog of $70 billion.

icon The Guru Is In

Disrupting Public Housing Out of Faircloth

7 min read

In 1998, when North Carolina Democrat-turned-Republican Lauch Faircloth added the amendment for which he became infamous, the Department of Housing and Urban Development and Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) were in a protracted bureaucratic standoff combining the worst features of medieval sieges and the First World War.   

Leveraging Private Capital to Rehabilitate HUD Legacy and Public Housing Properties

HUD’s RAD Program

8 min read

Launched through federal legislation in 2012, the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program, administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), has leveraged over $19.3 billion in construction investment to improve or construct over 174,000 public housing units and 53,000 Section 8, tax credit and market-rate apartments co-located in these public housing communities.

Three Years On

Faircloth-to-RAD Helps Secure the Future of Public Housing

10 min read

In 2021, new guidance was issued by the Department of Housing and Urban Development that allowed Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) much-enhanced structure for mixed financing methods to expand their overall supply of units.

Case Study

Owens and Queen Manor Apartments in Dover, DE

RAD 2.0 Streamlines its Reach

7 min read

The Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program was a big idea: to raise money to rehabilitate crumbling old public housing properties by raising private equity and converting the buildings into project-based Section 8 developments.

Breaking Ground

Shaun Donovan, CEO and President, Enterprise Community Partners

11 min read

In a three-decade career, Shaun Donovan has had a profound impact on shaping the public policy debate over addressing America’s affordable housing crisis.

icon Legally Speaking

An Update on HUD’s Green and Resilient Retrofit Program

5 min read

In May 2023, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published guidelines related to its Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP).

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