Articles Archives

The New Wave: Surge of Investment by Insurers Is Boosting the LIHTC Equity Market

2 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, October 2010: Much of the buzz in the low-income housing tax credit world this year has been about the increase in equity investment by insurance companies. This flow includes existing insurance company investors, insurance companies that dropped out of the market and have returned, and some that are brand new to housing credit investment.

HUD Offers $189 Million in Grants for Housing, Community Revitalization

1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, October 2010: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is soliciting electronic applications under two separate programs for up to $189 million in competitive grants.

Historic Tax Credit Market May Be Improving But Is Still Challenged

2 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, October 2010: The historic tax credit (HTC) equity market may be showing some improvement but remains challenged, according to industry sources. “What we’re seeing are the very earliest signs of an improvement in the market,” says Eric Darling, of Boston-based Carlisle Tax Credit Advisors, which advises corporate investors and finds proprietary federal historic tax credit investments for major investor Chevron.

Google Investing in LIHTC Fund Set Up By U.S. Bank

1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, October 2010: A subsidiary of U.S. Bank has arranged and will manage a proprietary $86 million low-income housing tax credit fund for search engine giant Google.

Multi-Investor Funds Popular Again as LIHTC Equity Volume Increases

2 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, October 2010: The low-income housing tax credit equity market continues to see increased activity by corporate investors, including a renewed popularity of multi-investor funds. This heftier flow of equity dollars – from more players – has increased competition for deals, boosted credit pricing to developers, and decreased yields to investors.

Puerto Rico: Jewel of a Low-Income Housing Market

1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, September 2010: For most Americans, Puerto Rico conjures up images of glorious white beaches and clear seas. But, in fact, the island has a significant low-income population that creates consistent robust demand for completed low-income housing tax credit units.

A Legislative Mix: Congress Advances Housing Bills, Punts on Extenders

1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, September 2010: Congress returns from recess in mid-September, after having advanced some housing bills in recent weeks but failing to enact critical “extenders” provisions, including those to continue the new markets tax credit program and low-income housing tax credit Section 1602 exchange program.

Milwaukee’s Veterans Manor: Permanent Supportive Housing and Services for Veterans

1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, September 2010: Retired U.S. Army Brigadier General Robert Cocroft is the kind of guy you don’t say no to. As a result, he – and other public and private supporters – are bringing a new ray of hope to low-income military veterans in Milwaukee, including the disabled and formerly homeless.

New Spirit in St. Louis: Historic Hotel Revived by Salvation Army

1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, September 2010: In the late 1920s, the hotel business in downtown St. Louis near the Union Station was bustling. Ten majestic new hotels along Market Street catered to businessmen and other weary travelers arriving from the nearby train station.

New Spirit in St. Louis: Historic Hotel Revived by Salvation Army

1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor ““ September 2010 ““ In the late 1920s, the hotel business in downtown St. Louis near the Union Station was bustling.

The Rental Application: A Key Element of LIHTC Compliance

1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor ““ September 2010 ““ A solid tenant rental application is a key part of assuring that a low-income housing tax credit project fully complies with LIHTC program rules, so that the investors can receive the full amount of housing credits that they expect.

An Upward Lift: New York City LIHTC Developments Boost Values, Residents

2 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, August 2010: Low-income housing tax credit developments in New York City have had a positive economic impact on the neighborhoods in which they are located, including raising property values, according to a new study released on June 23.

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