Articles Archives

Key Bills at a Glance

1 min read

Following is the status of key bills pending in Congress that NH&RA and its Councils are advocating or supporting:

HOPE VI Council Meets, Plans Activities

1 min read

Members of the HOPE VI Council, a council within NH&RA, met on March 10 at NH&RA’s 2010 Annual Meeting to discuss current issues and future activities. The Council is focusing on ways to enlist the support of HUD for positive actions regarding operating issues for HOPE VI projects to help such projects address and overcome current financial challenges.

Historic Preservation Council Provides Update

1 min read

Members of the National Council of Affordable Housing Market Analysts (NCAHMA), a part of NH&RA, are putting together a white paper that will detail the suggested scope of study for the preparation of a market study for a proposed low-income housing tax credit project.

NH&RA to Launch New Initiatives

1 min read

NH&RA will be launching two new initiatives in the weeks ahead. One will be a new Legislative Leadership Council, which will be a coordinating body that makes recommendations to NH&RA’s Executive Committee regarding specific legislative and regulatory issues for the organization to pursue and act on.

Energy Group Meets With HUD

1 min read

NH&RA officials on behalf of the Council for Energy Friendly Affordable Housing (CEFAH) met in mid-March with senior executives of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on energy efficiency issues.

New Markets Committee Meets With Officials

1 min read

Members of the New Markets Tax Credit Steering Committee, a council within NH&RA, interacted with officials from the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) on March 10 at NH&RA’s 2010 NMTC Symposium.

NH&RA Elects Officers, Revamps Titles

1 min read

The National Housing & Rehabilitation Association elected officers and board members at its 2010 Annual Meeting on March 10-14 in Miami Beach, Fla.

Fixing Broken Deals Crafting Workout Solutions for LIHTC Projects

5 min read

By Allen Feliz, Tax Credit Asset Management, LLC

Tax Credit Advisor, March 2010: The vast majority of low-income housing tax credit properties perform well, and most are continuing to do so, despite the economic downturn. There are, however, pockets of deep distress.

States Offer Historic Tax Credits, Propose New Programs

2 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, March 2010:

Ohio Opens New Application Round for State Historic Tax Credits

The Ohio Department of Development is soliciting applications by March 31 for $24.2 million worth of state historic preservation tax credits in the program’s latest funding round. The program offers a state tax credit equal to 25% of qualified rehabilitation expenditures for an historic building, up to a project cap of $5 million.

Congressional Seesaw Exchange, NMTC Extensions Teetering

2 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, March 2010: The prospects for quick enactment of provisions to extend the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) exchange program and the new markets tax credit (NMTC) program brightened for a bit in February before becoming clouded.

Niche Housing Sponsors Forge a New Path

10 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, March 2010: From New York to California and points in between, sponsors are engaging in niche construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing, either by producing specialized units or using non-traditional funding sources. Much of this output is the result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).

Crossing the Finish Line Exchange Funds Push Massachusetts Deal Forward

4 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, March 2010: For Massachusetts builder Andrew Baker, getting to the finish line with his company’s first tax credit project as a developer has required hope, prayer – and federal credit exchange funds.

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