Articles Archives

Congress Moves Closer to Extending LIHTC Exchange Program

4 min read

On March 10, Congress moved closer toward final approval of several affordable housing, historic preservation, and economic development tax incentives as the U.S. Senate passed its own version of an extenders bill (H.R. 4213).

Enterprise Green Retrofit Audit Protocol Established

2 min read

Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. and CAS Financial Advisory Services (CAS FAS) have jointly developed a green audit protocol for existing affordable multifamily housing buildings.

Overhauling the Good Ship FHA HUD Mulls Multiple Reforms

5 min read

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) hopes to shift to priority processing of applications as part of sweeping changes to its FHA multifamily mortgage insurance programs, Department official Christopher Tawa told National Housing & Rehabilitation Association March conference attendees.

Is the Wind Shifting? Syndicators See More New, Returning Tax Credit Investors

7 min read

More and more corporations are saying “let’s make a deal” to investments in federal low-income housing tax credits, according to industry participants. Several suggest that housing credit investment yields may have peaked, and that greater investor demand may eventually boost credit pricing in certain markets.

Capital Briefs

3 min read

CDFI Fund Invites Applications for Capital Magnet Fund Dollars

The Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund has published a notice to solicit applications for funding under the initial round of the new Capital Magnet Fund (CMF) program by April 15. At the same time, the CDFI Fund published proposed regulations for the program and requested comments by May 14.

Rising from the Ashes: Tarnished Brooklyn Complex Is Redeveloped With Help of Tax Credit

3 min read

Years of disregard and poor management had taken its toll on Riverdale Osborne Towers, a multifamily housing complex of four nine-story buildings in the Brownsville neighborhood of Brooklyn, N.Y.

State Agency Roundup

3 min read

Illinois Agency Launches New Preservation Initiative

The Illinois Housing Development Authority has launched a new statewide initiative to preserve affordable rental housing developments. The new initiative is funded by IHDA’s Multi-Family Initiative Bond program, which will make available $184 million in tax-exempt bond financing for development projects.

NCAHMA Develops New White Paper

1 min read

The National Council of Affordable Housing Market Analysts (NCAHMA), an independent council within NH&RA, is putting together a white paper that will detail the suggested scope of study for the preparation of a market study for a proposed low-income housing tax credit project.

Developers’ Council Meets

1 min read

NH&RA’s Developers’ Council met on March 12 at NH&RA’s 2010 Annual Meeting.

Key Bills at a Glance

1 min read

Following is the status of key bills pending in Congress that NH&RA and its Councils are advocating or supporting:

HOPE VI Council Meets, Plans Activities

1 min read

Members of the HOPE VI Council, a council within NH&RA, met on March 10 at NH&RA’s 2010 Annual Meeting to discuss current issues and future activities. The Council is focusing on ways to enlist the support of HUD for positive actions regarding operating issues for HOPE VI projects to help such projects address and overcome current financial challenges.

Historic Preservation Council Provides Update

1 min read

Members of the National Council of Affordable Housing Market Analysts (NCAHMA), a part of NH&RA, are putting together a white paper that will detail the suggested scope of study for the preparation of a market study for a proposed low-income housing tax credit project.

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