Articles Archives

Mixed-Income Senior Apartment Complex Rises on Site of Historic Former Tuberculosis Hospital

7 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, January 2010: Park Lane at Sea View has a rich history.

Since the mid-1800s, the Staten Island, N.Y. site at various times has been used as a municipal poorhouse, sanitarium for tuberculosis patients, and even a pioneer museum.

Park Lane at Sea View – Source and Uses Summary

1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, January 2010:

Additional IRS Private Letter Rulings Reaffirm Use of Integrated Unit Test in Multiple-Building Projects

3 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, January 2010: In a pair of recently released private letter rulings, the Internal Revenue Service has reaffirmed the ability of a taxpayer to use the “integrated unit test” to determine whether a proposed multiple-building new markets tax credit (NMTC) project meets a key program income threshold. The Service also held that the partnership sponsoring the project may be classified as a qualified business.

Schumer Introduces LIHTC Measure

1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, January 2010: U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer   (D-N.Y.) has introduced a bill (H.R. 2827) that would allow, for enlisted personnel stationed at all U.S. military installations, the exclusion of their base allowance for housing (BAH) from annual income when determining whether they qualify as a low-income household eligible to occupy a low-income housing tax credit unit.

HUD Issues Report on TCAP Activity By States

1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, January 2010: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has posted a report showing the activity as of 12/5/09 by 25 reporting state housing credit agencies under the Tax Credit Assistance Program.

State Briefs

1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, January 2010:

Massachusetts Governor Signs Housing Bill

Massachusetts Gov. Patrick Deval recently signed a new law designed to preserve government-assisted “expiring use” rental properties in the state as affordable housing. He also announced the roll-out of a new $150 million loan fund to help finance preservation transactions.

The LIHTC Student Rules; Critical but a Source of Confusion

6 min read

By A. J. Johnson

Tax Credit Advisor, January 2010: When developing or managing a low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) property, it’s critical to be familiar with the program’s “student rules” as set out in the federal tax code and in Internal Revenue Service regulations and guidance. Otherwise, owners risk the loss or recapture of housing credits.

Thematic Nomination Offers Alternative Way to Create Historic Tax Credit Projects

5 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, January 2010: There are two common approaches to making an old building eligible for the federal historic rehabilitation tax credit. One is to get it listed on the National Register of Historic Places as a certified historic structure. The other is to get it approved as a “contributing” building in a designated historic district.

The Challenges of Underwriting Green Improvements in Multifamily Properties

5 min read

By David A. Smith, CAS Financial Advisory Services
Tax Credit Advisor, January 2010: When presented with a proposed green improvements program, those with fiscal decision responsibility – CFOs, property management heads, owners, and even regulators – find themselves reading the report much like restaurant diners presented with the antiquated “Ladies Menu” that lists dishes without prices. Everything’s tempting, but what does anything cost?

State Agencies Far Along in Awarding Stimulus Dollars to Projects, Survey Finds

4 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, December 2009: State agencies have awarded nearly $4.2 billion in federal stimulus act funds so far to jumpstart stalled low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) projects, according to data collected by a Tax Credit Advisor survey that shows the enormous housing production from the new Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) and Section 1602 credit exchange program.

Capital Briefs

2 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, December 2009:

Legislators Introduce Bills to Extend GO Zone Deadline, Enhanced Incentives

U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) recently introduced a bill (S. 1761) to extend by one year, through 2011, the placed-in-service deadline for projects in the GO Zone, Rita GO Zone, and Wilma GO Zone receiving special disaster area low-income housing tax credits under the Gulf Opportunity (GO) Zone Act of 2005.

Where Is Mixed-Income Housing Development Headed? Proposed Choice Neighborhoods Program Points the Way

4 min read

Tax Credit Advisor, December 2009: In many ways, an affordable housing developer is a surgeon. In poor urban neighborhoods, making use of partnerships and government resources, the developer removes part of a neighborhood’s ills and inserts a healthy new organism – mixed-income housing development paired with resident services.

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Sources *

Historic Tax Credit Equity $9,321,423
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Equity $5,269,000