Articles Archives

Affordable Across America: West Coast

, & 7 min read

Affordable Across America

New Developments: 50 Years of Resiliency

5 min read

Over the past five decades, the affordable housing delivery system has evolved to meet the changing needs of low-income Americans, the waxing and waning of political will and ideologies and constantly evolving financial and housing market conditions.

Housing USA: America’s Affordability Landscape

7 min read

For National Housing & Rehabilitation Association’s 50th anniversary, we wanted to do a breakdown of the affordable housing situation in different parts of America, and how it has changed throughout the years. 

New Developments: Designing Solutions for a Rising Cost Environment

4 min read

Navigating rising construction costs is currently a primary concern of all NH&RA members—and fittingly the focus of this issue.

Material Price Gap Funding

6 min read

The housing development sector nationwide continues to struggle with supply chain disruptions and building material price increases.

Industrialized Construction

8 min read

As construction costs continue to increase, exacerbated due to COVID-related supply chain issues and inflation, manufactured housing is an increasingly attractive option for affordable housing developers.

Housing USA: Transit-Oriented Development and Affordable At the Same Time?

6 min read

For several decades, U.S. cities have been building extensive light rail and bus rapid transit networks. In recent years, such expansions have included intentional plans to promote development around lines, implementing a strategy known as transit-oriented development (TOD).

Technology: Pronto Poses PropTech Solution For LIHTC

7 min read

The use of technology in real estate has become so common as to have a moniker: PropTech. Short for “property technology,” it describes how everything from cloud storage to artificial intelligence to smart infrastructure can streamline development, construction, management and the realty of homes.

Housing USA: A Housing Price Boom Comes to the Boring Metros

6 min read

It’s been a common story in America, particularly since the pandemic: home prices keep rising.

New Developments: Celebrating 50 Years of Meeting Challenges by Scaling Our Success

4 min read

I am the father of three young children, so birthdays still play an outsized role in our household. In the under ten set, all the action is around what kind of party you are having and between our household and the kids’ friends, we have been to just about every kind of birthday party venue you can imagine, including climbing, gymnastic and trampoline gyms, dinosaur digs, Medieval Times, state parks, country clubs, bowling alleys, laser tag courses, rope courses, petting zoos and on and on.

Historic Tax Credit: 40 Years of Historic Preservation and Community Revitalization

7 min read

For 40 years, the Historic Tax Credit (HTC) has allowed developers to preserve some of the most beautiful, iconic, historic buildings in the nation, while revitalizing small towns and cities from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Retrospective: NH&RA: A Think Tank for Affordable Housing

13 min read

In the early 1970s, the City of Boston embarked on an effort to encourage developers to acquire and rehabilitate older apartment buildings in disinvested neighborhoods.

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