Articles Archives

Developer Outlook

9 min read

It’s 2022 and the COVID-19 pandemic looks likely to roll into a third year, bringing with it more uncertainty, but leaders in the affordable housing space say the new year still looks promising since the industry has already pivoted sharply due to the pandemic and will continue to do so.

Housing USA: Co-Living – An Untapped Avenue for LIHTC?

6 min read

In recent years, the concept of “co-living”—wherein some or all parts of a unit and its common areas are shared by multiple renters—has garnered attention from developers.

Conference Report: NCHMA White Papers

6 min read

The National Council of Housing Market Analysts (NCHMA) released two new white papers at its annual meeting last month, covering affordable assisted living and the challenges facing rural affordable projects.

The Conference Report: The Great Resignation

5 min read

Like many industries, affordable housing market analysts have felt the effects of the tight labor market, forcing both firms and their clients to look to flexible work schedules, increased pay and non-monetary support to retain talent, industry representatives said at a panel discussion during the National Council of Housing Market Analysts (NCHMA) annual meeting.

New Developments: Embracing ESG in 2022

4 min read

As I write this column in mid-December, full of holiday spirit and optimism, I remain hopeful that Build Back Better (BBB) will at some point be enacted into law and we will be the beneficiaries of the broadest expansion of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit since the program’s enactment, despite the recent pronouncements of one senator.

Guest Column: Affordability, Viability and Livability

& 9 min read

This article is adapted from a session presented at the 2021 Consortium of Housing and Asset Management (CHAM) Conference.

New Developments: It’s Finally Infrastructure Week in Washington

5 min read

For years, backers of mass transit, roads, bridges, housing, utility grids and dozens of other interests have advocated for generational investments in our nation’s infrastructure.

States Look to Convert Hotels, Motels and Commercial Properties for Shelter and Permanent Low-Income Housing

8 min read

As the housing crisis deepens and the pandemic continues to affect the hospitality industry and commercial properties, an increasing number of states are seeking to convert hotels, motels and other commercial properties into housing for low-income residents and those experiencing homelessness.

Housing USA: Cleveland

6 min read

I don’t intend to write a piece in these pages that sugarcoats the situation in Cleveland.

Conference Report: The Energy Efficiency Landscape

6 min read

A National Housing & Rehabilitation Association town hall last month covered financing and implementation options for energy efficient construction.

Housing USA: LIHTC Allocation to Declining Regions

6 min read

Low Income Housing Tax Credit-related developers, investors and policymakers all need to know where projects are likely to succeed.

New Developments: Growth and Growing Pains

3 min read

While it is still a little too soon to say with certainty that the combined infrastructure and budget reconciliation package will be enacted, or for that matter what precisely will be in it, it is the quintessential pastime of policy watchers in Washington like me to speculate.

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