Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 6 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, January 2006: Developed by Fountainhead Real Estate Development, a local real estate company, The Commons at Plant Zero is a gateway into the central business district that presents tenants and businesses the chance to realize new growth in an area that is moving beyond its economically distressed history
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 6 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, January 2009: A local housing authority in Southern California has converted one of its public housing projects to long-term affordable apartments in a preservation transaction that will renovate the property and enable the current residents to stay with enhanced services.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 3 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, January 2009: The Internal Revenue Service has issued new guidance for determining the amount of additional low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) authority and special new tax-exempt bond authority available for use in qualified disaster-stricken areas in the Midwest, Texas, and Louisiana. These are Midwest counties hit in 2008 by various natural disasters (e.g., storms, floods), and counties in Texas and Louisiana damaged by Hurricane Ike.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 8 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, January 2009: Speakers on a recent national Webinar offered advice to developers, owners, and property managers on how best to take advantage of the new options available for computing utility allowances for low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) units. These options can reward owners of newer and more energy efficient buildings by generating a smaller utility allowance amount.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 9 min read
Tax Credit Advisor January 2009: After a rough-and-tumble 2008, syndicators are anticipating a continuation of challenging conditions in the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) equity market in 2009, according to those interviewed by the Tax Credit Advisor around the beginning of December.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 4 min read
<Tax Credit Advisor August, 2006: Recent guidelines that allow New Markets Tax Credit investments in businesses serving “targeted populations” outside of low-income census tracks may prove tough to implement.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 3 min read
Tax Credit Advisor August, 2006: Preservationists seeking to prevent the demolition of the 38 historic structures located at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Leavenworth Kansas say that a review process established by Congress was the key to saving the properties.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 7 min read
Tax Credit Advisor August, 2006: For the Housing Authority of Salt Lake City, necessity has been the mother of invention.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 6 min read
Tax Credit Advisor August, 2006: Public housing authorities can be a potential source of new housing deals for private developers.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 5 min read
Tax Credit Advisor August, 2006: A newly issued report advises how states might more effectively allocate their low-income housing tax credits, both geographically and to targeted population groups.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 6 min read
Tax Credit Advisor August, 2006: Developers, owners, and managers can pare energy costs for existing multifamily rental properties and make them “greener” through a number of different steps. These include commissioning an energy audit, embracing energy efficiency as a corporate and resident goal, and taking advantage of various available financial and tax incentives to offset the cost of improvements.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 4 min read
Tax Credit Advisor August, 2006: Developers can substantially cut energy costs in newly built or rehabilitated apartment buildings by insisting on energy load computations to guide the design of plans and specs, according to New York City architect Chris Benedict.