Articles Archives

Enterprise Analysis of 2006 QAPs Finds States Stressing “˜Green’ Even More

& 3 min read

Tax Credit Advisor August, 2006: States are continuing to advance their efforts to require increased energy efficiency, healthier environments, and more sustainable building sites for low-income housing tax credit developments, according to a recent study from Enterprise.

U.S. Tax Court Denies Developer Tax Deductions for Conservation Easement

& 1 min read

Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: The U.S. Tax Court in a recent decision denied a Northern Virginia developer $342,000 in federal tax deductions claimed for donation of a conservation easement, holding the facts and documents didn’t support the claim.

Equity Market Still in Apparent Transition, Amid Continued Price Pressures and Flat Yields

& 7 min read

Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: The low-income housing tax credit equity market continues to be in apparent transition, with the future trend unclear.

States Report Numerous Applications With Deficiencies, Differ in How They Handle Errors

& 4 min read

Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: More than one-half of the state agencies responding to a recent Tax Credit Advisor survey said they receive a substantial number of low-income housing tax credit applications that have mistakes or are incomplete.

Survey Finds Many States Have Committed All 2006 Credits; A Number Underway for 2007

& 3 min read

Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: Nearly two-thirds of state housing credit agencies (HCAs) responding to a recent survey have committed all or nearly all of their 2006 low-income housing tax credits. More than a third have awarded some 2007 housing credits, and a number of states have begun work on their 2007 credit program plans and schedules.

HUD Appropriations Provision May Provide Opportunities for New Housing Credit Deals

& 5 min read

Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: An obscure appropriations act provision offers opportunities for new, different, and multiple-property affordable housing transactions, including using the low-income housing tax credit.

Efforts Continue to Win Passage of Tax Credit Amendments, Though Hurdles Loom

& 6 min read

Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: Efforts to win new legislative amendments to the low-income housing tax credit program appear poised for a boost in the U.S. Senate, but the odds for enactment this year are long, according to industry and congressional sources.

Legislatures’ Expansion of Historic Credits In Connecticut and Massachusetts Bodes Well for Preservation in Region

& 3 min read

Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: In two important recent victories for preservationists and developers, the legislatures of Connecticut and Massachusetts have significantly broadened their states’ historic tax credit.

New Florida Law Adds Funds For Innovative Housing Programs, Encourages Land Donation

& 6 min read

Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: Florida Gov. Jeb Bush recently signed into law legislation that adds $271 million in new affordable housing funding, including money for an innovative program to expand workforce housing. House Bill No. 1363 also provides for a novel approach to the donation of land for affordable housing.

CDFI Fund Provides Guidance on Targeted Populations, Includes Special Designation for Hurricane Gulf Zones

& 3 min read

Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: The Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund and Internal Revenue Service have provided guidance on the designation of targeted populations under the New Markets Tax Credit program. The guidance includes a special designation in the Hurricane Katrina Gulf Opportunity (GO) Zone.

IRS Finally Provides Guidance For Housing Tax Credit Nonprofits, Breaking Tax-Exemption Logjam

& 6 min read

Tax Credit Advisor June, 2006: Nonprofit organizations developing low-income housing tax credit projects should now have an easier time obtaining determinations of tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service.

New Study Quantifies National, State Economic Benefits from HRTC

& 4 min read

Tax Credit Advisor June, 2006: The federal historic tax credit has generated a high volume of construction and permanent jobs, tax revenues, and other economic benefits, according to a new study by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and Rutgers University.

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