Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 3 min read
Tax Credit Advisor August, 2006: States are continuing to advance their efforts to require increased energy efficiency, healthier environments, and more sustainable building sites for low-income housing tax credit developments, according to a recent study from Enterprise.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 1 min read
Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: The U.S. Tax Court in a recent decision denied a Northern Virginia developer $342,000 in federal tax deductions claimed for donation of a conservation easement, holding the facts and documents didn’t support the claim.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 7 min read
Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: The low-income housing tax credit equity market continues to be in apparent transition, with the future trend unclear.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 4 min read
Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: More than one-half of the state agencies responding to a recent Tax Credit Advisor survey said they receive a substantial number of low-income housing tax credit applications that have mistakes or are incomplete.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 3 min read
Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: Nearly two-thirds of state housing credit agencies (HCAs) responding to a recent survey have committed all or nearly all of their 2006 low-income housing tax credits. More than a third have awarded some 2007 housing credits, and a number of states have begun work on their 2007 credit program plans and schedules.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 5 min read
Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: An obscure appropriations act provision offers opportunities for new, different, and multiple-property affordable housing transactions, including using the low-income housing tax credit.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 6 min read
Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: Efforts to win new legislative amendments to the low-income housing tax credit program appear poised for a boost in the U.S. Senate, but the odds for enactment this year are long, according to industry and congressional sources.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 3 min read
Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: In two important recent victories for preservationists and developers, the legislatures of Connecticut and Massachusetts have significantly broadened their states’ historic tax credit.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 6 min read
Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: Florida Gov. Jeb Bush recently signed into law legislation that adds $271 million in new affordable housing funding, including money for an innovative program to expand workforce housing. House Bill No. 1363 also provides for a novel approach to the donation of land for affordable housing.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 3 min read
Tax Credit Advisor July, 2006: The Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund and Internal Revenue Service have provided guidance on the designation of targeted populations under the New Markets Tax Credit program. The guidance includes a special designation in the Hurricane Katrina Gulf Opportunity (GO) Zone.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 6 min read
Tax Credit Advisor June, 2006: Nonprofit organizations developing low-income housing tax credit projects should now have an easier time obtaining determinations of tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 4 min read
Tax Credit Advisor June, 2006: The federal historic tax credit has generated a high volume of construction and permanent jobs, tax revenues, and other economic benefits, according to a new study by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and Rutgers University.