Articles Archives

The Challenge of Mixed-Income Housing

& 8 min read

Tax Credit Advisor June, 2006: Mixed-income housing has become a frequent topic in discussions of the federal low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC), as state and local allocating agencies seek to promote income diversity.

Summary of New IRS Guidance

& 2 min read

Tax Credit Advisor June, 2006: The following summarizes the criteria IRS agents will look for in applications for tax-exempt status by nonprofits proposing to develop low-income housing credit projects, under the new IRS memo.

Tax Credits Display Increased Risk But Value Can Still Be Found, Investors Say

& 7 min read

Tax Credit Advisor June, 2006: Despite a worrisome trend towards increased risk and reduced yield, investment in housing tax credit equity still makes sense if the underlying property has strong fundamentals and adequate protections are in place, a group of investors concluded. The investors spoke in March at a panel held during the National Housing & Rehabilitation Association’s annual meeting in Miami Beach, Fla.

CASE STUDY California Developer Adapts Green Single-Family Innovations to LIHTC Units

& 7 min read

Tax Credit Advisor June, 2006: Tax credit apartment projects are increasingly going “green.” A key part of this trend is the selective adaptation to multifamily housing of building features and techniques used in developing environmentally-friendly single-family homes.

State Agencies Take Different Approaches to Rising Costs, Green Standards

& 6 min read

Tax Credit Advisor June, 2006: State allocators in California, New Mexico, and Washington are taking different approaches to address rising project costs in their low-income housing tax credit application cycles. These include varied kinds of cost limits, greater encouragement of “green” building characteristics, and more reliance on other subsidies.

Reviewing Growing Year-15 Volume, Guidance on Qualified Contracts

& 3 min read

Tax Credit Advisor May, 2006: In a follow-up interview with Tax Credit Advisor, Adam Galowitz of Recapitalization Advisors assessed the growing volume of properties approaching the Year 15 deadline, and the expanding list of states providing guidance on qualified contracts.

Care Advised in Using Qualified Contract Option With Year-15 Properties

& 4 min read

Tax Credit Advisor May, 2006: As housing tax credit developers approach the end of their properties’ initial 15-year compliance period, they should be wary of requesting qualified contracts in order to opt out of extended use agreements, a panel of experts warned.

With Interest Rates Rising, Syndicators Stop Lowering Fund Yields, But When Will Equity Prices Stabilize?

& 7 min read

Tax Credit Advisor May, 2006: With long-term interest rates on the rise, the tax-credit fund marketplace has reached a clear turning point – syndicators have stopped reducing fund yields. But when tax credit equity prices will also come to rest is still an open question, syndicators say.

Expected Investment in HRTC Properties Drops to $3.13 billion in FY2005, NPS Reports

& 4 min read

Tax Credit Advisor May, 2006: Anticipated private-sector investment in historic tax credit properties was $3.13 billion in FY2005, down 19 percent from the record pace of 2004, according to an annual report recently published by the National Park Service.

NAHB Says Multifamily Tax Revenues Exceed Costs to Local Governments

& 2 min read

Tax Credit Advisor May, 2006: The economic benefit of multifamily housing to local governments far outpaces its costs, according to a recent study from the National Association of Home Builders.

Green Building Can Produce Profits, Says Developers’ Panel

& 6 min read

Tax Credit Advisor May, 2006: Green building can generate a profit for developers who plan their projects carefully, according to a panel of executives from firms specializing in environmentally friendly properties.

Hedged with Derivatives, Variable-Rate Debt Gains Acceptance, Bond Panel Says

& 5 min read

Tax Credit Advisor May, 2006: After years of skepticism from tax-credit investors, syndicators, and developers, short-term variable-rate debt, also known as “floaters,” is finally gaining acceptance. One of the main reasons for this, according to a panel of bond experts, is the growing use of derivatives to hedge floaters’ interest rate risk.

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