Articles Archives

LIHTC Changes Draw Praise; Implementation Phase Begins

& 8 min read

Program participants have praised the numerous provisions in the new housing act enhancing the federal low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) and tax-exempt bonds. Now the industry’s eyes are turned toward implementation.

LIHTC Changes Offer Opportunities for Developers, Owners

& 9 min read

The new Housing and Economic Recovery Act offers a number of opportunities for developers and owners of both new and existing low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) projects. In recent comments, including to the Tax Credit Advisor, LIHTC practitioners and program participants highlighted some of these.

Brownfield Site Redeveloped Into Affordable Apartments

& 7 min read

Ground that once soaked up gasoline and diesel fuel has now been transformed into affordable housing for 100 families in the Bronx, NY neighborhood of Morris Park, thanks to federal low-income housing tax credits, state tax abatements, and a brownfield tax incentive.

IRS Issues Utility Allowance Final Rule

& 8 min read

The Internal Revenue Service has issued final regulations amending the requirements for determining utility allowances under the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) program. Published 7/29/08 in the Federal Register for immediate effect, the final rule modifies parts of the proposed rule issued 6/19/07, adding a new option for calculating utility allowances, mandating use of timely data, and clarifying certain requirements.

President Bush Signs Massive Bill That Modifies Housing Credit

& 16 min read

President Bush on 7/30/08 signed into law a massive housing stimulus/rescue bill (H.R. 3221) that makes sweeping changes to the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) program.

President Bush Signs Massive Bill That Modifies Housing Credit

& 16 min read

President Bush on 7/30/08 signed into law a massive housing stimulus/rescue bill (H.R. 3221) that makes sweeping changes to the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) program.

Syndicators Boost Yields on New Credit Funds; Some Positives Cited

& 6 min read

Syndicators have bumped up projected yields on the new national multi-investor low-income housing tax credit funds they are offering, which appear to be in greater numbers than a few months ago.

Virginia Loan Fund Established for Preservation Deals

& 1 min read

Virginia Community Capital and the National Housing Trust Community Development Fund, two leading affordable housing lenders, have announced a new $30 million preservation acquisition loan pool.

Rhode Island Properties Now Online

& 1 min read

The Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission has announced the launch of a new online service that enables users to search the database of Rhode Island properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Targeted Population Deals Done So Far Reflect Variety

& 7 min read

Targeted population transactions, a new category of deals made eligible in 2004 for financing under the federal new markets tax credit (NMTC) program, have been tough to do for multiple reasons. Nevertheless, a number of NMTC targeted transactions have been structured and closed.

Renewable Energy, Companion Incentives Offer Opportunities for Developers, Owners

& 10 min read

Renewable energy tax incentives, another part of green building, are increasingly being used in affordable housing, historic rehabilitation, and economic development projects, benefiting developers, owners, and residents.

States Enact Laws to Amend Historic Tax Credit Programs

& 6 min read

Maine, New York, Colorado, and Ohio have enacted new legislation to expand or amend their state historic rehabilitation tax credit programs. Meanwhile, new legislation has cut back and will phase out Rhode Island’s historic preservation credit.

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