Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 1 min read
The Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) has announced the release of a new, 58-page publication designed to assist developers and others in integrating green building and energy efficiency into the rehabilitation of existing affordable rental housing properties.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 9 min read
A statewide solar homeowner initiative in Connecticut, solar fiber optic lighting system in Alabama, solar-assisted public housing redevelopment project in Boston, and a wind power system-assisted apartment building in England illustrate the variety of ways that renewable energy is being used in affordable rental housing projects.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 1 min read
The Washington State Housing Finance Commission has announced that beginning in 2009 all applicants for low-income housing tax credits will need to meet the Evergreen Sustainable Development Standard of the state Department of Community Trade and Economic Development.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 1 min read
Hawaii Gov. Linda Ingle (R) has signed into law pioneer legislation (S.B. 644) that requires all new homes in the state issued building permits after 2009 to be equipped with solar water heater systems.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 6 min read
The resurrection of the New Desire HOPE VI public housing redevelopment is a monument to its residents, the Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO), and the development and management companies that restored this community following the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 4 min read
Most state allocation agencies responding to a recent survey indicated they’ve committed all or most of their 2008 low-income housing tax credits. Few have remaining 2008 application deadlines before year-end.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 8 min read
Two major trends are prevalent today in low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) production – preservation and “green” development. This article will focus on “green” or “sustainable” development and how it can benefit tax credit developers and project residents.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 1 min read
A newly issued HUD Office of Community Planning and Development notice (CPD-07-08) describes the eligible ways in which grantees can use federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to expand development of affordable housing.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 1 min read
HUD on 11/26/07 published a final rule, effective 12/26/07, to implement a number of changes to its Mark-to-Market (M2M) Program.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 1 min read
The House of Representatives on 12/5/07 passed a bill (H.R. 2930) designed to expand the production and rehabilitation of supportive rental housing for very low-income seniors under the Section 202 program administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 1 min read
Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (D) has filed a bill for a proposed $1.1 billion bond issue to fund the development and preservation of affordable housing and community development projects in the state over the next five years.
Caitlin Jones & A. J. Johnson • 1 min read
The Michigan State Housing Development Authority on 12/6/07 adopted its 2008-2009 qualified allocation plan (QAP) for its low-income housing tax credit program.