Articles Archives

Developers Apply Certain Design Features, Management Practices to Prevent, Minimize On-Site Crime

7 min read

IN RECENT YEARS, DEVELOPERS, police departments, and others have become increasingly interested in design and crime prevention as they relate to development and management of affordable rental housing. Preventing or reducing crime in affordable apartment properties, including low-income housing tax credit projects, provides a safer and more positive environment for residents, enhances the marketability of properties, and can reduce operating costs.

Tennessee Issues Final 2008 QAP

& 1 min read

Tennessee’s governor has signed the state’s final QAP for its 2008 low-income housing tax credit program.

Maryland Announces Spring Round Deadline

& 1 min read

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development has announced that 4/1/08 will be the application deadline for its Spring 2008 Competitive Funding Round, which will offer low-income housing tax credits.

New Jersey Issues Proposed 2008 QAP

& 1 min read

The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency has issued its proposed 2008 qualified allocation plan (QAP) for its low-income housing tax credit program, and is accepting written comments on it through 4/19/08.

Nominations Solicited for National Historic Preservation Awards

& 1 min read

The National Trust for Historic Preservation and HUD are soliciting nominations by 3/1/08 for the 2008 HUD Secretary’s Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation.

Presidential Candidates’ Housing Positions Displayed

& 1 min read

The National Low Income Housing Coalition has created a Web site, called Housing 2008 (, that provides links to the various housing positions of the individual 2008 Democratic and Republican presidential candidates.

President Bush Signs FY 2008 Funding Bill

& 1 min read

President Bush on 12/26/07 signed into law a consolidated omnibus spending bill (H.R. 2764) to fund federal departments and agencies for the rest of the fiscal year (FY 2008) ending 9/30/08.

NMTC Sixth Funding Round Opens; Has New Rural Mechanism, Lower Award Cap

& 8 min read

THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund has opened its sixth, last schedule funding round for the federal new markets tax credit (NMTC) program, with some significant changes from previous rounds.

IRS Discloses Plans for Activities on Easements

& 2 min read

THE IRS’ OFFICE of Exempt Organizations (OEO) has issued “implementing guidelines” outlining its plans for action in various issue areas in the fiscal year (FY 2008) ending 9/30/08. One area is conservation easements, which include easements on historic properties that generate federal tax deductions for the holders of such easements.

Park Service Issues Final Guidance to Implement Recommended Changes to Historic Credit Program

& 9 min read

THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE (NPS) has issued final comprehensive guidance to implement recommendations for improvements to the federal historic rehabilitation tax credit program made by the National Park Service Advisory Board (NPSAB). The implementation documents, which have prompted mixed reactions, are designed to promote consistency in the program and make it more flexible and user-friendly.

Debt Financing Still Plentiful for LIHTC Projects; Opportunities Available

& 13 min read

THERE IS STILL PLENTY OF DEBT available for new low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) projects, despite the turmoil in the capital markets, according to lenders and other LIHTC program participants recently interviewed by the Tax Credit Advisor.

Centerline Securitizes $2.8 Billion Affordable Housing Bond Portfolio

& 1 min read

CENTERLINE HOLDING Company, parent company of Centerline Capital Group, has completed the securitization of a $2.8 billion portfolio of taxexempt affordable housing bonds with Freddie Mac.

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