Articles Archives

Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae Report 2007 Housing Credit Investment Volume

& 4 min read

FREDDIE MAC AND Fannie Mae, the two large government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), in early February reported their low-income housing tax credit equity investment volume for calendar 2007.

New York Makes Major Changes to QAP, Including “˜Green’ Principles

& 3 min read

NEW YORK GOV. ELIOT SPITZER (D) on 1/31/08 approved major changes to the state’s qualified allocation plan (QAP) for its 2008 low-income housing tax credit program. The 2008 QAP will govern the allocation of federal and New York state housing credits this year.

Bush Administration Unveils Proposed Budget

& 3 min read

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION on 2/4/08 issued its proposed federal budget for Fiscal Year 2009, which begins 10/1/08.

Raleigh Seniors Housing Development Built to Energy Efficiency Standards

& 7 min read

A NEW CONSTRUCTION seniors rental property in Raleigh, NC illustrates the process and benefits of building to energy efficiency standards.

Historic Former Brewery Renovated Into Mixed-Use Project in Louisiana

& 7 min read

BEER, FALSTAFF IN PARTICULAR, is the story behind a new $28 million historic rehabilitation project in New Orleans. Utilizing the federal historic rehabilitation and low-income housing tax credits, a local developer has renovated an historic multiple-building industrial complex once used to brew Falstaff beer into a mixed-use, mixed-income residential/commercial property set to open soon.

Equity Market Challenges Rippling to Different Corners of Industry

& 8 min read

THE TURMOIL AND UNCERTAINTIES rolling through the lowincome housing tax credit (LIHTC) equity market are impacting different corners of the affordable housing industry in various ways, according to participants interviewed by the Tax Credit Advisor.

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