Articles Archives

The Florida Housing Finance

& 1 min read

The Florida Housing Finance Corporation will hold an application workshop on 3/13/08 in Tallahassee for its 2008 Universal Application Cycle.

California Adopts Final Rule Changes

& 1 min read

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee has adopted final regulation changes for its 2008 low-income housing tax credit program, which it outlined in a memorandum dated 2/4/08.

Connecticut Approves QAP, Sets Deadline

& 1 min read

The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority’s board on 1/31/08 approved the 2008 qualified allocation plan for its low-income housing tax credit program.

Multiple States Considering Legislation Relating to State Historic Tax Credits

& 5 min read

THE NEW YEAR HAS SEEN the introduction of legislative proposals to curtail, expand, or establish various state historic rehabilitation tax credits. Declining revenues and a projected budget deficit are the motivating factors in some states.

Vibrant Seattle Economy Spurs Demand for Affordable Housing

& 7 min read

A GROWING POPULATION, expanding job market, and rising home values make Seattle,WA nicknamed the Emerald City after the many lush evergreen trees in the area, a true jewel of a locale for affordable and market-rate multifamily housing.

HUD Releases FY 2008 Median Incomes, Income Limits

& 1 min read

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on 2/13/08 released its estimates for Fiscal Year 2008 of median family income and income limits for 532 metropolitan and 2,043 non-metropolitan areas nationwide.

Connecticut Approves QAP, Sets Deadline

& 1 min read

The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority’s board on 1/31/08 approved the 2008 qualified allocation plan for its low-income housing tax credit program.

New Atlanta Loan Fund Established

& 2 min read

THE CITY OF ATLANTA, GA AND Enterprise Community Partners have announced a new $25.5 million funding source available to developers of affordable and mixed-income owner occupied, multifamily rental, and supportive housing projects.

New Markets Tax Credit Is Funding Mixed-Use Facility with Affordable Apartments, Child Services Center

& 5 min read

THE FEDERAL NEW MARKETS tax credit is being used to help fund a $9 million mixed-use development project in Washington, DC that will involve the rehabilitation of 27 affordable apartments and the addition of commercial space for a 24-hour child care center.

HUD Issues Policy on Owner Requests for Conversions of Efficiencies

& 3 min read

THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING and Urban Development (HUD) has issued a policy memorandum setting out uniform requirements and processing procedures for requests by owners of certain HUD-assisted and/or ““insured multifamily housing projects to convert efficiency apartments to one-bedroom units.

Developers Taking Different Approaches to Preserve Properties as Affordable Rental Housing

& 10 min read

DEVELOPERS ARE PRESERVING EXISTING properties for long-term affordable rental housing use in a variety of ways, often employing the lowincome housing tax credit (LIHTC).

Various Properties Are Candidates for Deals; Most States Favor Preservation

& 12 min read

THERE ARE NUMEROUS and diverse opportunities for developers and owners to undertake preservation transactions ““ that is, the purchase and/or rehabilitation of existing apartment properties using the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) to continue their affordable rental use.

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