Articles Archives

Health Secure Cities

6 min read

For examples in world history of grand changes to urban planning, look no further than a health crisis.

Health Secure Buildings

11 min read

“Once you’re home, you’re safe.”

That is the essence of Health Secure Housing as defined by our colleague and TCA columnist David Smith, founder and CEO of the Affordable Housing Institute (AHI) of Boston, MA.

New Developments: Designing A Better Vegetable Peeler

4 min read

A few weeks ago, I drove my family up to Connecticut to visit my parents (my first real trip since COVID-19 struck) and found myself shucking some local oysters one evening with my dad. My shucking technique is only so-so and the oyster knife I was using was a bit of an antique. The knife slipped more than a few times and, while I managed to avoid a trip to the emergency room, I felt a bit like Beetle Bailey enduring punishing KP duty.

The Autovol Solution

9 min read

“I’ve been developing in the Bay Area for quite some time. It got to the point where the costs were so high that building became very difficult. I’ve worked with modular construction for about 15 years, but there is a limited number of modular suppliers in the West. So, I knew I had to do something myself.”

Talking Heads: Darcy Jameson, Vice President, Development, Beacon Communities Development

7 min read

Affordable housing developers and property managers have adapted to COVID-19 through innovation, flexibility, patience and open lines of communication. A good example of this is Boston-based Beacon Communities Development.

Property Insurance in the Time of COVID

6 min read

The COVID-19 pandemic has created some thorny property insurance problems for owners/managers: Increased premiums. Lawsuits backed by deep pockets. The need to factor force majeure into costs. A spike in multifamily severity claims.

Passive & Panelized

7 min read

Entire building sections shipped in on trucks. Walls keeping cold air in during the summer and warm air in during the winter with virtually no leakage and minimal energy costs. These are all components of a modern story of low-income affordable housing in Washington, DC.

Housing USA: Hotel California No More?

6 min read

California is famous for its low-budget lodging. I stayed in some while traveling the state – little hotels and motels on the roadside that, mixed with the palm trees and desert backdrop, had a noirish feel. They’re a part of California lore, even profiled in that infamous Eagles song.

A Blueprint for Cutting Costs

6 min read

A recently published examination of how to beat the affordable housing squeeze presented by rising demand and falling production reveals how developers think they can maximize production through creative approaches to cutting costs.

New Developments: The Pivot Point

4 min read

As the economic crisis triggered by the Coronavirus extends into its fifth month, I am deeply concerned for the economic well-being of the nation’s low- and moderate-income renters.

New Developments: Health in Housing

4 min read

After consuming bushels of news articles, social media posts and White House Coronavirus briefings over the past several months, I think we have all become amateur epidemiologists.

Talking Heads: Madi Ford, Senior Vice President & General Counsel, MidCity Financial

9 min read

Headquartered in Bethesda, MD, MidCity Financial Corporation was founded in 1965 by Eugene F. Ford, Sr., an engaged leader and community advocate with a visionary approach to delivering quality multifamily housing to support the diverse needs of local communities.

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