Articles Archives

Zoning to Encourage Affordable Housing

8 min read

The numbers tell the story. Urban real estate prices and rents are on a steady rise, as is the population. Usable land is harder to find.

Talking Heads: Priya Jayachandran, President, National Housing Trust

11 min read

During her 25-year career as an affordable housing professional, Priya Jayachandran has played many roles—lender, developer, regulator, activist—and in the process has become one of the most widely respected advocates in the business.

State and Local Preservation Solutions

11 min read

One size does NOT fit all.

Solving Affordable Housing Problems with Technology

7 min read

What will it take for the affordable housing industry to work collectively and collaboratively to achieve more success than ever before and share in the rewards as a team?

How New Orleans Ended Veteran Homelessness

9 min read

Martha Kegel remembers the intense six-month campaign to end veteran homelessness in New Orleans as “building the plane while we were flying it.”

New Developments: NSPIRE-ing Change

5 min read

There was a flurry of activity last month from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) around its new National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) demonstration.

Many Candidates, Many Housing Plans

7 min read

In 2018, I wrote for TCA about how the affordable housing issue had gained momentum in America, from one that a decade ago nobody talked about, to a rising local and state issue.

Housing USA: Miami

6 min read

If U.S. cities want to create far more quality affordable units on public housing sites, they’ll need to follow two strategies: The first is to leverage funds from HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program, since it has become the main funding mechanism to repair and manage old public housing.

Talking Heads: Elaine Magil Director, Affordable Housing Advisory & Transactions, TCAM

11 min read

Whether an affordable housing deal succeeds and remains profitable many years into the future often depends on the asset managers you work with and their level of involvement during the earliest planning stages and in the ensuing years after a property is placed in service.

Bring in the Engineer

6 min read

An alternative way to estimate utility allowances (UA) in Florida is producing lower UA amounts for affordable housing managers – in some cases considerably lower.

Land of OZ: “Show Me the Community Benefit!”

4 min read

In April, fueled by the realization that “the regulations have taken a little longer than anticipated” to be issued, aides to Senators Tim Scott and Cory Booker, the architects of the Opportunity Zone (OZone) legislation, hinted at a bipartisan legislative effort to extend some aspects of the program.

Housing USA: The Rural PHA

6 min read

When people hear “housing agency,” they likely envision a big city bureaucracy in New York or Philadelphia. But for each of those, there are numerous smaller agencies that serve tiny cities nationwide.

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