Mark Fogarty • 6 min read
Talk about ambitious. Nashville’s Envision Cayce project is a big, dramatic effort to transform a neighborhood by building more than 2,000 new housing units and supporting facilities like a school, a health center and a pharmacy.
Thom Amdur • 3 min read
As we reported in last month’s issue, technology is transforming the commercial real estate and affordable housing sectors. It’s an exciting time of innovation; however, expectations for some of the industry giants have certainly been tested after SoftBank’s recent write downs of its investments in the panelization-unicorn Katerra and co-working-unicorn WeWork.
Darryl Hicks • 11 min read
“For the first time since we built the pyramids, we need to rethink the way we build things.” Cecil Phillips, chairman and chief executive of Atlanta, GA-based Place Properties, spoke those words at NH&RA’s Summer Institute in July, and emphasized them again when I interviewed him recently.
Mark Fogarty • 7 min read
It’s not true that construction is the least digitized niche of the national economy. For instance, Keith Stacker told a recent meeting of top affordable housing executives, agriculture is less digitized than construction. And so is hunting.
Mark Olshaker • 7 min read
It has been more than a century since Henry Ford figured out that the best way to produce automobiles was on assembly lines in huge factories, and now the industry is investing billions of dollars in developing technologies for autonomous vehicles.
Scott Beyer • 6 min read
Mobile homes have long been stigmatized in America. During my recent drive along U.S. route 460, it was easy to see why. Stretching through the heart of Appalachia—eastern Kentucky, southwest Virginia and southern West Virginia—I saw along the mountain hollow highway the poorest version of this housing type.
Mark Fogarty • 4 min read
Offsite construction is generating a lot of buzz on how it can transform affordable and workforce housing. But some are dreaming even bigger. Could OS create a totally private tax credit market, without the need for public money?
Mark Fogarty • 4 min read
Rick Holliday and his colleagues at Factory_OS aren’t very ambitious. They just want to change the way housing is built in this country.
Thom Amdur • 4 min read
While reading on a recent flight back to Washington, I was really moved by two feature articles that together put into context how far we have come as a country in alleviating poverty – and how far we still have to go.
Mark Olshaker • 9 min read
” I grew up in a family of ten in the Kennedy era. My dad, who was in construction, always said to me, ‘You need to do something good for society.’”
Mark Olshaker • 8 min read
” I came of age during Vietnam and the Civil Rights struggle, thinking about how I could do something of social value,” Lyndel J. “Joe” Wishcamper told Tax Credit Advisor in 2015. “I am very lucky that I had the opportunity to go into affordable housing; that it draws on my skill sets. And when I hire people, I look for those same values: passion not only for the business, but for the work.”
Darryl Hicks • 11 min read
For 24 years, Albert Rex has been a key player in America’s historic preservation movement.
As a consultant, he has guided developers, lenders, investors and others through the complex process of getting projects approved for Federal and State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits (HTC).