Articles Archives

Talking Heads: Elaine Magil Director, Affordable Housing Advisory & Transactions, TCAM

11 min read

Whether an affordable housing deal succeeds and remains profitable many years into the future often depends on the asset managers you work with and their level of involvement during the earliest planning stages and in the ensuing years after a property is placed in service.

Bring in the Engineer

6 min read

An alternative way to estimate utility allowances (UA) in Florida is producing lower UA amounts for affordable housing managers – in some cases considerably lower.

Land of OZ: “Show Me the Community Benefit!”

4 min read

In April, fueled by the realization that “the regulations have taken a little longer than anticipated” to be issued, aides to Senators Tim Scott and Cory Booker, the architects of the Opportunity Zone (OZone) legislation, hinted at a bipartisan legislative effort to extend some aspects of the program.

Housing USA: The Rural PHA

6 min read

When people hear “housing agency,” they likely envision a big city bureaucracy in New York or Philadelphia. But for each of those, there are numerous smaller agencies that serve tiny cities nationwide.

Addressing Affordability Through Supply

5 min read

Several initiatives and policy proposals of late seek to address housing affordability through supply side solutions.

New Developments: Inspired by Summer Reading

4 min read

This summer, I’m planning on taking a deeper dive into source materials behind a recent posting by Solomon Greene and Jorge González of the Urban Institute

Affordable Healthy Housing

6 min read

“Housing is a key driver of all the social determinants of positive outcomes, and safe, healthy housing is foundational.”

New Developments: Mid-Year Check-In

4 min read

The engines are running at full tilt at National Housing & Rehabilitation Association. It’s just half-way through what is turning into a productive year and I wanted to update you on various projects-in-progress:

Talking Heads Tia Boatman Patterson Senior Advisor on Housing, Office of California Governor Gavin Newsom

10 min read

Gavin Newsom was elected California’s 40th governor last November, in part based on the promise that he would fix the state’s critical shortage of affordable housing.

Social Impact Investing: The Trend Towards Resident Services

8 min read

The evolving social impact financing market is an alternative source of funding for Low Income Hosuing Tax Credits (LIHTCs).

Economic Research Report: Estimating the Local Economic Impacts of Building Affordable Housing

8 min read

According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s influential 2019 Gap report, the nation’s lowest-income households face a shortage of over seven million affordable and available rental homes.

Introducing the Resiliency Center

8 min read

For most of us, a power outage is an inconvenience. We may have to use flashlights, we may sweat or have to put on jackets, depending on the season, and we don’t open the refrigerator.

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