Thom Amdur • 4 min read
The engines are running at full tilt at National Housing & Rehabilitation Association. It’s just half-way through what is turning into a productive year and I wanted to update you on various projects-in-progress:
Darryl Hicks • 10 min read
Gavin Newsom was elected California’s 40th governor last November, in part based on the promise that he would fix the state’s critical shortage of affordable housing.
Douglas P. Koch • 8 min read
The evolving social impact financing market is an alternative source of funding for Low Income Hosuing Tax Credits (LIHTCs).
Edward Seiler • 8 min read
According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s influential 2019 Gap report, the nation’s lowest-income households face a shortage of over seven million affordable and available rental homes.
Mark Olshaker • 8 min read
For most of us, a power outage is an inconvenience. We may have to use flashlights, we may sweat or have to put on jackets, depending on the season, and we don’t open the refrigerator.
Scott Beyer • 6 min read
The U.S. market for retail space has been in flux. The industry sees a lot of churn generally, and this has been particularly so in the last decade, as brick-and-mortar stores close.
Mark Fogarty • 10 min read
Investors have different takes on what to do at Year 15 and Year 30 of Low Income Housing Tax Credit deals, and it isn’t quite as simple as the divide between mission-driven and financially-driven backers.
Mark Olshaker • 8 min read
It is now accepted wisdom that the key social determinant to a stable and productive life for both adults and children is stable and permanent housing: It all starts with a secure place to live; that is the game-changer.
Mark Fogarty • 5 min read
As MassHousing works to commit the balance of a literally groundbreaking $100 million project to create workforce housing, the agency is already planning for its Workforce Housing Initiative 2.0.
Mark Olshaker • 7 min read
Like most resort areas where local property is bought up by wealthy patrons from all over, particularly ski resorts where usable land is severely restricted by mountains and rugged terrain and stormy weather makes long commutes impractical, Keystone, CO has a severe problem with affordable and workforce housing.
Corenia Burlingame & Jerome A. Breed • 9 min read
The second set of proposed regulations (the “Proposed Regulations”) released by the IRS with respect to the Opportunity Zone (OZones) program on April 16, 2019 is extremely helpful, generally taxpayer friendly and provides investors with sufficient guidance to close transactions without waiting for a third round of regulations.
Darryl Hicks • 10 min read
Since joining FHA as a senior advisor in February 2001, Toon has worked closely with many senior political appointees and executive management in developing and executing major policy initiatives.