Articles Archives

Talking Heads: R. Wade Norris Partner, Norris George & Ostrow PLLC

11 min read

Since this issue focuses on Tax-Exempt Multifamily Housing Bonds (TEBs) and includes case studies and technical details of how they are used, we thought it would be beneficial to begin with a basic introduction.

Housing USA: Boston

6 min read

If you’re a renter who’s managed to secure a spot in The Beverly, you’re living the life right now. The 14-story project sits right near the Lovejoy Wharf in Boston’s fashionable North End.

America Votes YES for Affordable Housing

6 min read

November’s state and municipal elections brought a big crop of newly-approved bonds into the affordable housing finance mix, with some of them passing by wide margins, and the biggest, in California, authorizing a whopping $4 billion in new money.

New Developments: Taking Multifamily Bonds to the Next Level

3 min read

Last summer, National Housing & Rehabilitation Association launched a new policy advocacy and educational initiative focused on increasing Multifamily Tax-Exempt Bond production across the country.

Affordable Housing Bond Menu

7 min read

The bond market is looking shaky.

The Land of OZ: Some Potential Marriages

& 7 min read

The IRS has recently published an eagerly anticipated, thoughtful and helpful Opportunity Zone Program (OZP) guidance.

The Give And The Take

6 min read

Many states have affordable housing trust funds. But how—or even if—they use that money on housing can depend on the political whims of voters and lawmakers.

Talking Heads Steve Glickman, Develop LLC

11 min read

As a senior economic advisor to President Barack Obama, Steve Glickman sought out policymakers, economists, investors, business and community leaders and other experts and gathered ideas that could be used to help struggling communities recover from the Great Recession.

NMTC Allocation Trends

6 min read

The traditional wisdom is that the New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) and the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) operate in two separate arenas: housing for the LIHTC and business/commercial for the NMTC.

Love Your Company’s Affordable Housing Portfolio? So Buy It.

6 min read

Brian McGeady and Michael Riechman share a dedication to affordable housing, a dedication that is reflected in the origin story of their new company, MVAH Partners.

Housing USA, Pittsburgh

6 min read

This city has made headlines recently as one that’s transitioning from an old to a new economy.

New Developments, Thanksgiving & The Midterms

3 min read

On this recent Thanksgiving, I hope our elected officials—both present and future—took the opportunity to remember the spirit of collaboration between the Mayflower Pilgrims and the Wampanoags on that first Thanksgiving.

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