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6 min read

Can the four percent and nine percent tax credits co-exist peacefully in the same housing project? At the Building 9 project in Sands Point, Seattle, Mercy Housing Northwest decided the two forms of credit could, as long as they were segregated into separate projects in the same development.

Housing USA, Philadelphia

6 min read

There is a shortage of good urbanism in America. There are only eight, “legacy cities,” where dense, transit-oriented neighborhoods spread contiguously over many square miles.

Income Averaging Trends

7 min read

State housing finance agencies are still feeling their way into the new Income Averaging (IA) authority, with no clear consensus yet on standard practices for how it will be implemented.

Talking Heads, Laura Burns President & CEO, Eagle Point Companies

13 min read

In 2007, Laura Burns created an investment fund, Eagle Point Ventures, that acquired General Partnership (GP) interests in tax credit-financed projects and yielded strong returns for its investors.

The Cost of Regulations

12 min read

These comments were offered by Steven E. Lawson, chairman of The Lawson Companies, on behalf of the National Association of Home Builders at a September 6 hearing of the Housing and Insurance Subcommittee of the House of Representatives Financial Services Committee.

The Land of OZ

6 min read

As you have read in these pages, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 enacted a new incentive for community development, the Opportunity Zone Program found in Internal Revenue Code Sections 1400Z-1 and -2.

The Rise Of YIMBY

6 min read

How do good ideas go from theory into political reality? This has become a pressing question for America’s YIMBY movement.

New Developments, Driving Results for the Bond Program

4 min read

According to a recent report published by the Council of Community Finance Agencies (CDFA), 2017 was a record setting year for multifamily private activity bond issuances – $15,302,500,000 in total.

West Coast Housing Report

6 min read

Much like America’s East Coast, the West Coast is struggling from a housing affordability problem – meaning Washington, Oregon and California.

The Land of OZ

5 min read

The last couple years of watching Washington has taught us that everything is fair game for subjective (call that “partisan”) interpretation.

Talking Heads Brian Goeken, National Park Service

10 min read

Brian Goeken is widely regarded as one of the nation’s top historic preservation experts with a background spanning over 25 years in urban planning, architecture, economic development and urban design.

NH&RA 2018 Vision Awards

2 min read

Each year since 2004, NH&RA has bestowed its Affordable Housing Vision Award to affordable housing and community development leaders who have made significant and valuable contributions to the field and demonstrated years of leadership, commitment and imagination.

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