Articles Archives

A Piece of the Action

6 min read

Affordable housing specialist Woda Cooper Companies, Inc. not only has a new name and headquarters, it has a new ownership structure that may become a model for the industry.

Visit to a Safe Haven

13 min read

HUD’s HOPE VI program was developed to deal with severely distressed public housing through three critical factors: physical improvement, management improvement and social and community services.

Teacher Housing

9 min read

It’s a well-known problem in many areas of the country: A pernicious combination of high land values, mounting construction costs, super-gentrification and lagging wages have conspired to put decent housing out of reach for the workforce on which the increasingly affluent community depends.

Talking Heads: Sheila Dillon, Neighborhood Development, City of Boston

9 min read

Boston’s vibrant neighborhoods, cultural assets, productive workforce, innovative businesses and renowned hospitals and universities have spurred an era of rapid growth.

Squeezed Out

6 min read

In these last few decades, as Americans have flocked to major metros, two economic trends have surfaced.

Housing USA: Georgia

6 min read

The South has played a crucial role in American history, and by extension, in the nation’s architectural legacy.

Career Gateway

6 min read

Low Income Housing Tax Credit project in Columbus, OH is giving a fresh perspective to the concept of workforce housing.

New Developments: Wrong Prescription

4 min read

Doctors don’t always diagnose the source of an ailment and as a result sometimes prescribe the wrong medicine.

A Tale of Two Counties

7 min read

Workforce housing is on the minds of the elected officials of Montgomery County, MD even more than it normally is.

The Bird Flies Again

9 min read

The year 1962 saw the opening of the two most exhilarating architectural symbols of the dawning jet age: Dulles International Airport, serving Washington, DC in Chantilly, VA, and the Trans World Airlines Flight Center at Idlewild (now John F. Kennedy) Airport in Queens, NY.

Talking Heads, Tom Anderson, Cohen-Esrey Development Group

9 min read

Headquartered in the Kansas City suburb of Overland Park, KS, Cohen-Esrey has evolved over its 24-year history from being a small property manager to one of the Midwest’s largest real estate firms focused on historic rehabilitation and affordable housing development.

Pricing Update: Investors

6 min read

Tax credit pricing has taken a hit, but not a mortal one, with the new 21 percent corporate tax rate, according to investors atttending a recent affordable housing summit held by market analysts.

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