Articles Archives

Preservation Algebra

8 min read

“I really like RAD projects,” declares Holly Bray, senior director of originations for Love Funding in Washington, DC. “You’re in the weeds, helping housing authorities take their housing stocks and making them great. There are a lot of things to figure out and a lot of coordination. But the end result is truly rewarding.”

Housing USA, Memphis

8 min read

Overall, Memphis is pretty old-school. As a city filled with rural migrants and defined by decades of slow growth, it maintains a dated and Southern feel.

Homeless Organization… And Developer?

6 min read

In just two decades, “housing first” has turned from an academic idea into formal policy, becoming the default national strategy for curbing homelessness.

Do More with Less Space

8 min read

Our vision of the American household is inaccurate and out dated.

New Developments, Celebrating Local Leadership

5 min read

On March 13, the National Low-Income Housing Coalition released a new report, “The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Rental Homes,” which finds that there is a shortage of 7.2 million affordable and available rental homes for extremely low income (ELI) households – a startling and sobering number.

1,000 RAD Rehabs

7 min read

A hugely ambitious public-private partnership is starting to see some big preservation projects getting finished in Baltimore.

Talking Heads: Merrill Hoopengardner, National Trust Community Investment Corporation

11 min read

Preservationists were jubilant when they learned that the Federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) would be saved from the chopping block in the final version of the tax reform bill negotiated by Congress and signed into law by President Trump in December.

Pension Funds

7 min read

Pension funds have long been the sleeping giants of housing. That’s because while they have a significant share in the sector, real estate is usually a fairly small part of their overall portfolios and so doesn’t loom very large on their radar screens.

Introducing Opportunity Zones

8 min read

Amidst the ongoing debate about who benefits most and who least from the passage of the tax reform act in December 2017, one provision embedded in the new law appears to offer significant benefits for investment designed to improve low-income and underserved communities.

Housing USA, St. Louis

6 min read

Missouri has been a robust state for tax credit construction, and the state-level Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) has been its largest such tax credit program.

Fannie Mae’s New Fund

4 min read

Returning equity investor Fannie Mae doesn’t expect the new changes to the tax code will crimp its return to the Low Income Housing Tax Credit market.

New Developments, Who exactly is winning here?

4 min read

Just last week, I was optimistic that this year’s federal budget cycle, dysfunctional though it is, might offer reasons for hope.

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