Articles Archives

Building Your Bench

10 min read

What constitutes effective leadership and how to improve it is a constant source of discussion and reflection throughout American industry in both the profit and nonprofit sectors. The affordable housing area is no exception.

A Billion-Dollar Resource

8 min read

State affordable housing trusts provide viable supplemental funding and potential alternatives to federal housing programs, sources that can come in handy if federal budgets are cut.

New Developments, Expanding Pay for Success

4 min read

When you think of innovation in American business you probably think of Apple, Google and the myriad of tech “unicorns” (i.e. billion dollar startups) which dominate the business news. What do all of these companies have in common? Their business models are fundamentally all based on disruption.

Learning to Live Later Life

4 min read

Home is where the heart is, but as society ages it’s also where people look for health and economic security. More and more, the nation’s 76 million Boomers are seeking the solutions for aging well in this unprecedented gift of health and time they’ve received.

Talking Heads: Chris Hite, President, Sugar Creek Capital

11 min read

State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits provide a valuable source of funding for developers who specialize in revitalizing older buildings. However, they also pose challenges for the uninitiated.

Pam Goodman

7 min read

“I grew up in Detroit in the 1950s and early 1960s, and it had a tremendous effect on me. I saw stable neighborhoods fall apart overnight. Growing up in the city was a very powerful influence.”

NIMBY Namby Pamby

9 min read

It was a warm, humid summer night in Lexington. More specifically, it was about to get hotter. I was on my way to the first neighborhood meeting of the infamous Meadowthorpe Neighborhood Association to introduce my proposed affordable housing infill development.

Housing USA: Denver

6 min read

Denver, CO—Denver is not an old city, even by American standards. So compared, say, to Boston or Philadelphia, it doesn’t have an extensive footprint of historic buildings.

Getting Credit

8 min read

The most powerful tool in the last 40 years of the historic preservation movement has been the Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit.

CohnReznick Investment Report

5 min read

CohnReznick LLP recently released its sixth study addressing the performance of properties financed with Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits.

Chrystal Kornegay

6 min read

When Republican candidate Charles D. Baker lost the 2010 race for governor of Massachusetts to Democrat Deval Patrick, largely on the basis of blue collar and liberal enclaves throughout the state, he went into the political wilderness for a lot of personal reflection and soul-searching.

New Developments: Shelter from the Storm

5 min read

Millions of families across Texas, Florida, the Caribbean, the Gulf Coast and the Southeast have had their lives upended by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. As I write this column, Hurricane Jose is forming off the Bahamas with an uncertain trajectory.

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