Mark Olshaker • 6 min read
When Republican candidate Charles D. Baker lost the 2010 race for governor of Massachusetts to Democrat Deval Patrick, largely on the basis of blue collar and liberal enclaves throughout the state, he went into the political wilderness for a lot of personal reflection and soul-searching.
Thom Amdur • 5 min read
Millions of families across Texas, Florida, the Caribbean, the Gulf Coast and the Southeast have had their lives upended by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. As I write this column, Hurricane Jose is forming off the Bahamas with an uncertain trajectory.
Mark Olshaker • 2 min read
Each year since 2004, NH&RA has bestowed its Affordable Housing Vision Award to affordable housing and community development leaders who have made significant and valuable contributions to the field and demonstrated years of leadership, commitment and imagination.
Thom Amdur • 4 min read
Last month, NH&RA’s Developers Council submitted comments to the National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) in response to its new proposed recommended practices in housing credit allocation and underwriting. It is to the credit of NCSHA and its members that as the LIHTC program and marketplace has evolved, it has dedicated significant time and effort to developing revised guidelines for its members to coincide with the times.
Darryl Hicks • 10 min read
The Pacific Companies, headquartered in the bucolic community of Eagle, Idaho, has developed 10,000 units of multifamily housing over its 20-year existence—90 percent of it affordable—in some of the remotest parts of the western United States as well as in its largest urban centers.
Mark Olshaker • 11 min read
Is far as scientists know, light is the fastest-moving entity in the universe. And now, harnessing the energy provided by our only significant light source, 92.6 million miles away, is the fastest-moving technology to provide for our future power needs.
Katherine Ferguson • 6 min read
By the 1950s, the Savannah home was one of 52 Little Sisters of the Poor locations in the U.S. With nursing home regulations and mandated safety codes of the 1960s, these homes were facing expensive renovations or, more commonly, outright closure.
Marty Bell • 8 min read
It can feel as overwhelming as combining algebra and physics into one class. Both affordable housing and assisted living are vital solutions to the issues faced by aging Americans, but they are also each extremely complicated to develop and manage.
Scott Beyer • 6 min read
At a time when large developers matter because of their impacts on cities, LDS should be a bigger part of America’s urbanist conversation.
Scott Beyer • 6 min read
Just as U.S. cities have become bastions of disparity, so too are their neighborhoods. Particularly in this era of spatial dispersion, when rich people settle in centrally-located areas and poor people in the suburbs, it isn’t hard to pick out the right and wrong sides of town.
Kyle Lui • 3 min read
It can be difficult to keep tabs on the strategies that housing finance agencies are utilizing in their Qualified Allocation Plans (QAP) to meet local housing needs since they vary from state-to-state.
Scott Beyer • 6 min read
Oakville, WA—In the space between Portland and Seattle lies a unique rural character that, perhaps even more than those two great cities, defines the Pacific Northwest.