Articles Archives

Colleagues & Neighbors

12 min read

In the early 1970s, the well-heeled residents of Aspen and Telluride, CO, faced a problem. Though they were often part-timers from the two coasts and other major cities who spent only weeks at a time in the two ski resort towns, their presence had priced out the very people they needed to run the towns and local businesses.

Combatting High Rents

6 min read

High housing costs are an urban American problem, and there is boundless debate on how to address it. Should developers be allowed to build unfettered, or be restricted on the prices they charge and number of units they erect? Should individual buyers compete in open markets, or get government subsidies? Should public officials be Yimby or Nimby?

New Developments, The Housing Donut Hole

4 min read

On a taxi ride into Denver I counted 27 cranes – a staggering amount of construction. An article in the local paper reported that developers delivered 3,246 new multifamily apartments in the first quarter alone and 10,000 in total are expected to be delivered by year end! A local real estate executive told me that 100 millennials move to Denver every day.

Talking Heads: John Peck, Partner, Jones Walker

9 min read

John Weld Peck has been at the forefront of affordable housing finance in the United States for over 40 years.

State HFA Responses to the Equity Market

7 min read

If you’re reading an issue of Tax Credit Advisor, it’s probably safe to assume you have noticed a drop in equity pricing since the election.

Mixing 4% and 9% LIHTCs

10 min read

The end of 2016 brought both good news and bad news for affordable housing developer the Pacific Companies.

Housing USA: Portland

5 min read

If U.S. Senators weigh in on America’s housing crisis, they need to understand the complexity of the issues. Of course we need more affordable housing almost everywhere, but the problems go beyond that.

Fewer Immigrants, Higher Prices

6 min read

Walk by any construction site in a major U.S. city, and you’ll hear one of the great instruments in the symphony that is modern urban American life. It seems that no matter the day or the hour—it could be 6am on a Sunday—these unfinished structures will emanate with the cacophony of boots stomping, saws cutting and nail guns popping.

Defending the Forts

11 min read

Though it hearkens back to a different time, a different leader and a different struggle, the former defense secretary’s comment during a Pentagon news briefing pretty much portrays the current industry knowledge of the Trump Administration’s intentions and goals regarding affordable housing, urban regeneration, historic rehabilitation and the tax credit and other government programs that support them. The proposed budget and tax reform represent two distinct but interrelated challenges.

Guide to Contacting Congress

2 min read

One paramount aspect of the U.S. political system is accessibility to lawmakers. However, it’s more complicated than calling up Representatives, or Senators and voicing concern.

New Developments, Elevator Conversation

4 min read

Since HUD Secretary Ben Carson has taken the oath of office, he has spent much of his time on a national listening tour, thus far visiting affordable housing projects and stakeholders in Michigan, Florida and Texas.

The Many Flavors of RAD

11 min read

Public housing is threatened – again – with deep funding cuts in the latest proposed federal budget, released in March by President Donald Trump.

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