Articles Archives

Fewer Immigrants, Higher Prices

6 min read

Walk by any construction site in a major U.S. city, and you’ll hear one of the great instruments in the symphony that is modern urban American life. It seems that no matter the day or the hour—it could be 6am on a Sunday—these unfinished structures will emanate with the cacophony of boots stomping, saws cutting and nail guns popping.

Defending the Forts

11 min read

Though it hearkens back to a different time, a different leader and a different struggle, the former defense secretary’s comment during a Pentagon news briefing pretty much portrays the current industry knowledge of the Trump Administration’s intentions and goals regarding affordable housing, urban regeneration, historic rehabilitation and the tax credit and other government programs that support them. The proposed budget and tax reform represent two distinct but interrelated challenges.

Guide to Contacting Congress

2 min read

One paramount aspect of the U.S. political system is accessibility to lawmakers. However, it’s more complicated than calling up Representatives, or Senators and voicing concern.

New Developments, Elevator Conversation

4 min read

Since HUD Secretary Ben Carson has taken the oath of office, he has spent much of his time on a national listening tour, thus far visiting affordable housing projects and stakeholders in Michigan, Florida and Texas.

The Many Flavors of RAD

11 min read

Public housing is threatened – again – with deep funding cuts in the latest proposed federal budget, released in March by President Donald Trump.

Talking Heads: Tom Davis, HUD Office of Recapitalization, How to do a RAD deal

10 min read

Among the many innovative housing programs devised by the Obama Administration was the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), which Congress authorized in 2012 to test a new way of meeting the large and growing capital improvement needs of the nation’s aging public housing stock.

RAD’s Revision 3

4 min read

The Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program began in 2012 with the purpose of addressing a $26 billion backlog of deferred maintenance for public housing.

RAD Green Incentive

2 min read

We all know the PHA program faces approximately $27 billion shortfall for capital improvements. HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program was designed in large part to finance these capital improvements.

Housing USA: San Francisco

6 min read

San Francisco, CA—Before entering San Francisco, I’d heard that high housing costs were forcing even six-figure-salary techies into cramped apartments.

Beware the Aggregator

7 min read

Created by the Tax Reform Act of 1986, the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) has become the most important resource for creating and maintaining affordable housing in the United States.

New Developments: Trump budget neglects the neediest

3 min read

Affordable housing developers take on many risks during their day-to-day business. There is construction risk, interest rate risk, headline risk and, as we are experiencing more and more, political risk.

A Visit to SF-RAD

6 min read

In 2015, San Francisco approved the largest conversion of government housing into private ownership in American history.

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