Mark Olshaker • 9 min read
Sustaining Seniors Aging in Place Program (SSAIP) is an innovative program in Charleston, SC, that includes Telehealth/Telemedicine, a food pantry that has delivered more than 400,000 free meals, accessible transportation and a community garden among its offerings. It is all part of the pioneering approach to senior affordable housing instituted by that southern city’s Humanities Foundation.
Bendix Anderson • 7 min read
Substandard, unaffordable housing can damage the health of its residents – potentially causing problems like asthma or exacerbating ailments like hypertension.
Bendix Anderson • 6 min read
Six giant health companies are contributing millions of dollars to help build housing in Portland, OR.
Darryl Hicks & Christian Robin • 3 min read
$100 million in new funding On November 29, 2016, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that New York became the first state to secure international certification of nearly $100 million in “Green Bonds” to be used for the development of affordable housing that has a positive impact on the environment and climate. The housing bonds were certified […]
Mark Olshaker • 12 min read
“In the affordable housing industry, there has long been a recognition that one size doesn’t fit all,” declares Bill Whitman, owner of New Community Partners and a partner at Somerset Development Company in Washington, DC.
Christian Robin • 7 min read
Last June, attorney Wade Norris reported in these pages on the increasing demand for tax-exempt, multifamily bonds throughout the United States and noting that several states were burning through volume cap.
Darryl Hicks • 9 min read
James Rubin has one of the most interesting public sector jobs in the country. Since May 2015, Rubin has served as Commissioner of New York State Homes and Community Renewal, the top leadership position for the state’s many housing and community development agencies.
John W. Gahan III • 10 min read
Larry Lawyer was exhausted. He had spent all day at Insatiable Investor’s annual conference in Jackson Hole. The conference was abuzz with speculation on the newly elected president. Would there be corporate tax reform and would that kill the tax credit investment market? Yields for investors were already at historic lows.
Douglas P. Koch • 9 min read
As the organizational structure of the affordable housing and community development finance industry matures, financial intermediaries, investors and developers are fashioning new resources and methods for accomplishing their goals. With an aging Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and HUD property inventory, a wide variety of property acquisition, property recycling and organizational capitalization and revitalization needs materialized.
Bendix Anderson • 6 min read
Some years in high school feel so long, you feel like you live there. Now Jim Whitten does. More than 50 years after he graduated, Whitten returned to old Cony High School building in Augusta, Maine, this time as his new home. Cony High has become an affordable senior housing community.
Thom Amdur • 3 min read
Despite the extended and rancorous election season we just endured, as I look back over the past 12 months I think our industry had a pretty good year. By and large, owners and developers benefited from historically low interest rates and high tax credit equity pricing. Sellers benefited from low cap-rates, and there continues to be a strong demand for rental properties in most markets.
Mark Olshaker • 10 min read
“Technology Overtakes Tobacco in Winston- Salem, N.C.,” read the headline of an article by Keith Schneider in The New York Times of April 28, 2015, describing the mid-size Carolina city’s new, and still developing, Wake Forest Innovation Quarter.