Articles Archives

Talking Heads, Annie Donovan, CDFI Fund

10 min read

Few people are better qualified to oversee the New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) program than the current director of the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund), Annie Donovan.

NMTC Market Liquidity and Efficiency

4 min read

Market liquidity exists when the environment is ripe for assets to be bought and sold at stable prices.

Inside CDEs

11 min read

The New Markets Tax Credit Program – NMTC – created as part of the Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2000, aimed to partner business and government as a means to revitalize disadvantaged and economically neglected communities and increase job availability and wealth for their residents.

Essex Crossing Keeps its Promises

6 min read

After decades of broken promises, Essex Crossing is an attempt to make up for 40 years of lost time by providing a new home to some residents displaced by urban renewal.

Building on Success

6 min read

Since the Children’s Campus of Kansas City, Kansas, opened in June 2010, it has become a national model for combining early childhood education programs with research, along with health, counseling and professional services for families.

The Benefits of the Better Buildings Challenge

8 min read

The Better Building Challenge (BBC) has been making strides in fostering and delivering energy efficiency in a wide variety of building types around the country. You’ve likely heard of, or been involved with, projects that take advantage of the program. There are certainly benefits to participating from an owner’s perspective.

Lost in Transition

3 min read

It will take some time to fully digest the results from this year’s election, but I wanted to share some initial thoughts on what this may mean for our industry.

The New Old Neighborhood

11 min read

In 2010, Woodlawn, a neighborhood on Chicago’s lakeshore about eight miles south of the downtown Loop and just south of the much more-expensive Hyde Park neighborhood, was blighted by vacant lots and abandoned buildings. It had been hit especially hard by the housing crash. The foreclosure rate in the neighborhood was well-above the average for the city, or even the South Side.

The Real Seniors on Campus

8 min read

A new kind of senior is on campus. As described by Andrew Carle, an assistant professor at George Mason University, in northern Virginia, and founder of the nation’s first Master of Science in Senior Housing Administration (MSHA) Program, this new senior—age 55 all the way up to anything—lives on or near campus; goes to class, theater performances and ballgames; wears school sweatshirts, and engages in activities like mentoring undergraduates. It is, Carle says, “the future of senior living.”

Talking Heads: Paul Weissman, Hunt Mortgage Group

10 min read

Based in El Paso, Texas, Hunt Companies is one of the oldest and largest real estate companies in America, with over 6,000 employees and $30 billion in assets. Hunt is primarily known for being the largest military housing owner in the country.

Ruckus in Rockford

10 min read

NIMBY – “Not In My Back Yard” – has been a real estate rallying cry for generations – whether it replied to integration, ethnicity, unwanted businesses, addiction treatment centers or even architectural diversity. Affordable housing agencies and developers have borne the brunt of citizens’ action committees and organized, often ugly protests.

Careers in Development

8 min read

Like many complex industries, companies in affordable housing development encompass many functions and many moving parts. This suggests a great diversity of career opportunities.

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