Articles Archives

A Positive Step: Regulators Propose Clarification That Renewable Energy Component in LIHTC Projects Should Receive CRA Consideration

4 min read

On September 8, 2014, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) proposed clarifying existing federal regulations to clearly encourage the use of “green” energy in low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) projects.

NH&RA’s Vision Awards: A Larger Purpose

3 min read

Providing housing and its resultant community benefits not just as an occupation, but as the means to sustaining the American dream, was the theme that ran throughout the emotional ceremony honoring Andrea Daskalakis and David Abromowitz as winners of NH&RA’s 2014 Affordable Housing Vision Awards for Career Achievement.

NH&RA Announces Remaining 2014 ‘Timmy’ Awards for Outstanding Historic Rehabilitation Projects

7 min read

National Housing & Rehabilitation Association (NH&RA) announced the winning real estate projects in two additional permanent categories and the projects receiving four Judges Awards in its 2014 J. Timothy Anderson “Timmy” Awards for Excellence in Historic Rehabilitation.

Affordable Housing Conference in Boston Tackles the New and the Difficult

5 min read

There is nothing stale or shy about a National Housing & Rehabilitation Association conference.

Improving Efficiency: Affordable Housing Owners Use Different Approaches on Energy and Water Retrofit Projects

10 min read

Energy and water efficiency upgrades to affordable rental developments benefit owners by reducing utility costs, which in turn boost cash flow and the value of properties.

Another Good Year: Syndicators Still Seeing Strong Investor Demand for LIHTC Funds Even as Yields Fall

9 min read

With just two months remaining, it appears 2014 will turn out to be a banner year for the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) market in terms of the total volume of equity raised, even as syndicators are being squeezed on profitability, and yields on multi-investor funds continue to fall.

Better Aging in Place: Florida Housing Offers Funding to Test New Initiative to Upgrade Older Senior Properties

5 min read

Florida Housing Finance Corporation (Florida Housing) is testing a new initiative to fund the renovation and retrofit of an older senior rental property in its portfolio to make it more supportive and user-friendly for the existing elderly residents so that they can better “age in place.”

Helm Place: A New Start for an Historic Neighborhood in Jackson, Mississippi

5 min read

On February 13, 2014, developers broke ground on Helm Place, a bold and much anticipated plan to bring new housing to a blighted historic district in Jackson, Miss.

Niche Development Creating Unique Flavors of Affordable Rental Housing

9 min read

Across much of the country, apartment communities developed with federal tax credits are frequently plain vanilla – simple, high-quality affordable garden-style complexes or mid-rises for families and seniors.

The multi-purpose antidote

4 min read

Among investment tax credits for real estate projects, the historic rehabilitation credit is a multiple anomaly. It is the oldest (enacted 1976); not capped and allocated but available as-of-right; payable at once on completion; and justified by physical heritage, not by reference to use.

The Real Estate Appraisal An Essential Building Block in LIHTC Development

6 min read

A key element in the development or acquisition of a low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) property is the real estate appraisal. Accordingly, it can be useful to provide a refresher that defines what an appraisal is and spells out the purpose, process, and contents – for both affordable housing industry newcomers and seasoned veterans.

2014 NH&RA Affordable Housing Vision Awards: Passionate Innovators in the City of Heart HONOREES: Andrea Daskalakis and David Abromowitz

23 min read

Like all major metropolises in the Northeast and Midwest, Boston is a city with a complexity of identities – a city of long history with lingering remnants of colonialism, a city of great ethnic diversity that provides it a strong sense of family and has also at times provoked racial conflict, a city of almost unmatched intellectualism.

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