Articles Archives

The Big Picture: New Data Sheds Light on NMTC Investments During First Ten Years

5 min read

In the first 10 years of the federal new markets tax credit (NMTC) program, 8,060 investments totaling $31.1 billion were made in 3,849 businesses and projects throughout the country, according to new data and a companion summary released by the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund.

CDFI Fund Opens 12th NMTC Funding Round

1 min read

On August 5, the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund issued a notice of allocation availability (NOAA) to open the federal new markets tax credit program’s twelfth funding round.

Enhanced Iowa State Historic Credit Program Launches

2 min read

Iowa’s state historic tax credit program has been strengthened and made more predictable for developers by legislative changes that took effect July 1, 2014.

Getting Creative: Washington Area Municipalities Address Housing Needs While Dealing with Federal Cuts

8 min read

In the immediate Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, which has about four million people and high housing costs, local governments are using a variety of approaches to address affordable housing needs even as they differ in their priorities and available resources.

A Modern Dilemma: Medical Marijuana Use and Program Compliance

4 min read

Owners and managers of affordable multifamily rental housing properties are faced with a relatively new conundrum: The growing number of states that have legalized the use of marijuana for medical or recreational purposes. The challenge includes what policies to adopt to remain in compliance with federal and state laws, such as regulations of the low-income housing tax credit program, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and USDA Rural Housing Service.

Jeff Kittle Solves Puzzles in Guiding Development at Herman & Kittle Properties

6 min read

If you ask Jeff Kittle what he likes about being a tax credit developer, he has a quick answer: “It’s a very interesting, complicated business, oftentimes like a puzzle. And I enjoy challenges.”

CohnReznick’s Housing Tax Credit Monitor

1 min read

CohnReznick’s Housing Tax Credit Monitor

An Extra Boost: New Mixed-Income Development Near Atlanta Contains RAD Units

9 min read

Columbia Senior Residences at Forrest Hills, a new mixed-income apartment community for persons 62 and older, rising in suburban Atlanta, Ga., reflects the flexibility of the federal Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program and the different approaches being taken under it by local public housing authorities (PHAs).

RAD Transaction Closings Accelerate, Say HUD Officials

4 min read

Transaction closings under the federal Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program are ramping up and many more are expected in the months ahead, according to senior officials at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

A Variety of Options: Local Authorities Enjoy Flexibilities as They Revitalize Public Housing Under RAD Program

6 min read

In Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Seattle, Wash., and many other communities across the nation, more and more local housing authorities are deciding that the best way to revitalize their aging, obsolete public housing properties is to transform them through the new federal Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program, which also provides opportunities for private developers.

Driving the Dollars: Successful Property Management Requires Mix of Key Elements and Traits

8 min read

Excellent property management also enhances the value of a LIHTC development when an appraisal is done, according to appraiser Cash Gill, MAI, Vice President of Gill Group, Dexter, Mo. An appraisal might be done prior in conjunction with the sale of the entire property or the sale of the general partner or limited partner interests.

Personal service or personal privacy?

5 min read

Amazon, Google, and the NSA know more about your residents than your property manager does – and are collecting more information about them continuously.

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