Articles Archives

Hartford’s Downtown Revival: Iconic Office Tower Being Converted to Housing and Retail Using Historic Credits

3 min read

In Hartford, Conn., nicknamed the insurance capital of the world, work has begun on redeveloping a vacant, iconic 26-story office tower in the city’s central business district into housing, retail outlets, and parking.

Historic Tax Credit Market Still Lagging

3 min read

The amount of investor equity for new stand-alone historic rehabilitation tax credit deals still hasn’t rebounded to the level of a few years ago before the Historic Boardwalk Hall decision. Industry officials reported that investors, developers, and tax attorneys are still trying to reach agreement on certain structuring aspects for new deals to be comfortable they will fall under the safe harbor outlined in recent IRS Revenue Procedure 2014-12.

On the Cusp of Further Growth: LIHTC Industry Hopeful for Boost in Equity Volume from Accounting Change

9 min read

Syndicators are getting positive feedback as they talk to companies to try to get them to start investing in low-income housing tax credits, while nervously trying to keep the after-tax yield on new national multi-investor funds at or above 7%, a tough challenge given persistently strong credit pricing to developers.

Creating Access to Healthy Foods: Bronx Project Will Serve Distressed Neighborhood

3 min read

The federal new markets tax credit is helping to finance a project in the South Bronx in New York City that will transform an underutilized municipal parking lot into an 88,000 square-foot mixed-use commercial and community facility.

PTEE Road Show Kickoff is an Eye-Opener for Attendees

6 min read

More than 120 enthusiastic energy- and cost- concerned representatives from a variety of affordable housing companies and organizations filled a conference room in a building adjacent to Philadelphia’s 30th Street Station on April 3 for a frank and incisive, daylong look at the true financial benefits that can be reaped from best practices in energy and water efficiency.

Savoring the Roses

3 min read

Sometimes we forget just how good we have it. Every now and then, we need to stop and smell the roses as the saying goes.

Getting Below the Surface

3 min read

In many ways the low-income housing tax credit market is a bit of an enigma – both transparent and opaque.

Ultimate Green: Residents Save Money at New Solar-Powered Apartment Property in Southern California

4 min read

Residents get their electricity mostly for free at Arbor Green Apartments, a new 40-unit low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) development in Los Angeles County.

Deals for Years to Come: California Firm Begins Stream of Transactions from Large Portfolio of Acquired GP Interests

5 min read

For California developer/owner Michael Costa, a lengthy pipeline of future affordable housing disposition and preservation transactions is just getting started.

Making Green Buildings Work: The Importance of Resident Engagement

9 min read

After a green affordable multifamily rental housing project is completed, either through new construction or renovation, will the expected energy and water cost savings actually be achieved?

A Different Approach: Affordable Housing REIT Prepares to Grow

6 min read

The Housing Partnership Equity Trust, a private real estate investment trust devoted exclusively to acquiring and preserving affordable and workforce multifamily rental housing properties, is the first affordable housing REIT launched by nonprofits.

An Underwriting Aid: New Report Provides Data, Analysis on Operating Expenses for LIHTC, Market-Rate Properties

4 min read

Per-unit total operating expenses for low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) properties in a large national sample increased by an average 5.92% between 2010 and 2012, with the three largest cost categories being for payroll, repairs and maintenance, and utilities, according to a new report released by Novogradac & Company LLP, a national accounting, tax, and consulting firm.

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