Articles Archives

Getting to Yes

3 min read

Recently I was speaking with a prominent California-based developer about potential topics for NH&RA’s annual West Coast jaunt – the Spring Developers Forum, to be held this year on May 19-20 in Marina del Rey, Calif.

Utility Allowances Online: Indiana Housing Agency Moves to Develop Innovative Calculator

4 min read

Indiana’s state housing finance agency is taking action to develop an online calculator for generating more accurate utility allowances for rental units in more energy- and water-efficient multifamily housing projects.

The Other Half

3 min read

We’ve all seen the photos – of the gleaming new LEED-certified apartment building with solar panels on the roof, classy high-efficiency windows, and a sleek overall look.

Fiscal Agreement: FY 2014 Appropriations Bill is Enacted

2 min read

The compromise omnibus measure, approved a few days earlier by Congress, funds the federal government through September 30, 2014, authorizing $1.012 trillion in total discretionary spending. For the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (FY 2014), the FY 2014 appropriation is $45.5 billion, almost $4 billion higher than the FY 2013 post-sequestration level. Some HUD programs are funded at higher levels than FY 2013 while some programs have cuts.

Harvard Joint Center Releases New Report

1 min read

On December 9, the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University released a new report on various aspects of U.S. rental housing that notes that many American renters have severe affordability problems because of weak income growth and rising rents.

We know it when we see it

4 min read

Stuffed into the Dodd-Frank legislation, the tangible manifestation of the witch hunt after the subprime collapse, is a provision, the long-awaited and long-delayed Volcker Rule that put the entire LIHTC business at risk. Hauled out of retirement to chair President Obama’s task force, former Federal Reserve Chair Paul Volcker believed America’s housing bubble was caused by financial sin: nefarious investment banks subverted wholesome commercial banks, taking consumers’ deposits and used them to concoct toxic assets flipped for fast bucks.

Reaping Rewards: Florida Housing Sees Positive Results from New Resource Award System

5 min read

As he oversees Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s bold transition in the way it awards low-income housing tax credits and gap funds for new affordable rental housing developments, executive director Steve Auger is recognizing some initial dividends. These include continued heavy demand for available resources, an interesting and very diverse range of projects, and strong tax credit pricing for projects receiving awards.

FASB Releases Documents for LIHTC Accounting Change

1 min read

On January 15, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued the documentation for an accounting rule change ratified in December permitting public companies, if they qualify, to elect to use a new proportional amortization method of accounting for their low-income housing tax credit investments rather than the less favorable equity method.

Thriving Times: Debt Financing Plentiful at Low Rates, but Possible Impacts on the Horizon

13 min read

Debt financing of many different types for affordable multifamily rental housing properties will continue to be plentiful in 2014, according to industry sources. But keep an eye out on interest rates, developments at the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), and the progress of the multifamily office realignment efforts at the U.S. Department of Housing and Development (HUD).

Perpetual Affordability: AMCAL, Community Land Trust Partner on Model Apartment Community in Irvine

7 min read

In the Southern California city of Irvine, where most rental housing is owned by one company, the new Alegre Apartments will be something of a rarity – a multifamily housing development that will be perpetually affordable.

A Time for Invention

3 min read

I would hate to live in a world without the low-income housing tax credit, which I hope will never occur. But ever since we ran David Smith’s article in June 2013 about what the world would look like without LIHTC, I have been pondering a question: Is this possible?

Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Multi-Investor Fund Activity

4 min read

Boston Capital expects to close a $188 million national multi-investor fund in the first quarter of 2014, said Jeff Goldstein. The fund, 100% specified in properties, has a projected IRR to investors of 7.25%.

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