Articles Archives

Our Energizing New Initiative

3 min read

Since joining National Housing & Rehabilitation Association in 2004, sustainability in affordable housing has been my pet issue – a theme I’ve tried to raise in every conversation and initiative. I believe “green” development is the right thing to do: good for our residents, the environment, and the bottom line.

Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Multi-Investor Fund Activity

4 min read

Boston Capital continues marketing a national multi-investor fund expected to have closings in December and January, said executive Jeff Goldstein. The anticipated final size is $150 million, the projected after-tax yield to investors is 7.25%, and the fund is fully specified with 37 properties in 16 states.

On a Roll: Syndicators Continue Closing LIHTC Funds as Investor Demand Stays Strong

7 min read

Many low-income housing tax credit syndicators, large and small, appear to be having a banner year in terms of raising equity through their multi-investor and proprietary funds.

Opportunities at the State Level

3 min read

As I write this column, I am preparing to head to Knoxville to attend the bi-monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Housing Development Agency and its tax credit committee.

Struldbrug buildings

4 min read

To the visitor from a land (U.S.A.) where a Greyhound bus terminal carries a proud plaque attesting to its pedigree, England abounds in spectacular historic, often ancient structures. Many are the nation’s treasures and wonders, sites lovingly maintained with public funds that bring past centuries alive.

A Boost for Owners: Updated HUD Guidance on Section 236 Decouplings Contains Favorable Changes

3 min read

On August 25, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued a notice (H 2013-25) that provides updated guidance regarding the “decoupling” of Section 236 multifamily properties and the refinance of decoupled 236 projects.

A Dramatic Entrance: New Seattle Mixed-Use Project Will Feature Theaters, Offices, Apartments

5 min read

In Seattle’s Pike/Pine neighborhood, Capitol Hill Housing is developing a mixed-use real estate project that will truly have a touch of drama.

Ahead of the Curve: Preparing a Tax Credit Property for an HFA or Investor Review

8 min read

Every low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) property is subject to periodic site inspections and reviews by various parties seeking to determine whether the project is in compliance with the requirements of the federal tax credit program and the state credit agency.

NH&RA 2013 Vision Award Honoree, Vincent P. O’Donnell: Housing as Social Justice

7 min read

One day in his home in a blue collar all-white neighborhood in Northeast Philadelphia in the mid-1950s, the pre-teen Vincent F. O’Donnell, Jr. heard his older sister Patricia say to their dad, a hard working sometime bread man, sometime milkman, sometime handyman, sometime sheet metal worker, full-time family supporter, “How can you go to church on Sundays and still say the things you do about negroes?”

Eight Historic Rehabilitation Projects Are Winners in NH&RA’s 2013 ‘Timmy’ Awards Competition

9 min read

The conversion of a former YMCA into apartments for the chronically homeless in San Francisco, the renovation of former Pabst brewery buildings into a boutique hotel and restaurant in Milwaukee, and the creation of affordable apartments from a former hospital in Portland, Me. are among the eight projects winning the 2013 J. Timothy Anderson “Timmy” Award for Excellence in Historic Rehabilitation.

NH&RA 2013 Vision Award Honoree, Jack Manning: Tax Credit Pioneer

7 min read

In 1974, Jack Manning and Herb Collins formed a partnership then called the Greater Boston Development Corporation to provide equity investment capital for the development of apartment properties.

EITF Defers Vote on Revised Standards

3 min read

At a meeting on September 13, the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) deferred approval of revised standards for accounting for low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) investments.

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