Articles Archives

The Best Developments: Coalition Presents 2013 Tax Credit Excellence Awards

2 min read

The Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition recognized winners of the 19th Annual Charles L. Edson Tax Credit Excellence Awards at a recent ceremony in Washington, D.C. The awards honor outstanding affordable rental housing developments throughout the nation funded with federal low-income housing tax credits.

Wisznia’s 65-Year History of Imaginative Design and Development

10 min read

Wisznia, the son of an architect, combines pragmatism, a love for historic buildings, business savvy, love of art and somewhat out-there creativity in the firm that bears his family name and serves as a designer, developer and investor in housing ventures.

Far from Plain Vanilla: St. Louis Housing Project to Anchor Urban Farm, Business Incubator Complex

6 min read

Indeed the new supportive housing project, which contains 56 studio apartments targeted to low-income individuals with special needs, including formerly homeless individuals, military veterans, and ex-offenders, is part of something that the nation – and perhaps the world – has never seen before.

The Overlooked Incentive: The New Energy Efficient Home Tax Credit

4 min read

An overlooked federal incentive, the new energy efficient home tax credit, is a source of potential extra benefits for affordable housing developers and investors, says Christopher Thomas, a partner at CohnReznick LLP.

Managing for Success

2 min read

Our journey in the real world of tax credit housing also takes us to examine the low-income housing tax credit programs of the four states that make up the “Four Corners” – Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah – in advance of NH&RA’s 2013 Summer Institute in Santa Fe, N.M.

Next Application Round for NMTC Program to Open in Late July

2 min read

The next application round for the federal new markets tax credit program will open in late July and close two months later, according to U.S. Department of Treasury official Don Graves. Graves, Deputy Assistant for Small Business, Community Development and Housing Policy, noted the timing for the 2013 NMTC allocation application round in a speech […]

Tax Credit Advisor Special Edition Article, A Different World: An America without the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

2 min read

Born a little over a quarter-century ago within the 1986 Tax Reform Act, the federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) has become the tent pole around which the nation’s entire affordable rental housing delivery system has been restructured ““ a system vastly different from and better than the HUD-centric model which dominated before. More than circumstance, this is due to core features that make LIHTC, for public-policy and practical reasons, a much better funding source for the development and preservation of affordable apartments for families and seniors than direct federal appropriations.

A Small World: Two REITS Focus on Housing Preservation Deals

6 min read

A small niche in the affordable housing world has just doubled in size. The number of real estate investment trusts (REITs) that exclusively provide capital for multifamily preservation transactions has increased from one to two.

Losing Ground: Report Finds Rising Share of Working Renters with Severe Housing Cost Burdens

2 min read

Working renter households fell further behind their homeowner counterparts in housing affordability in 2011, according to a new report from the National Housing Conference’s Center for Housing Policy.

Crunch Time: Advocates Defend Tax Credit Programs as Lawmakers Gear Up for Tax Reform

6 min read

In recent testimony and comments to House tax writers, supporters of the federal low-income housing, historic rehabilitation, and new markets tax credits defended these programs and encouraged their continuation under any tax reform legislation.

Step On Up: Nominate Your Marvelous Historic Tax Credit Project!!

2 min read

Each year the National Housing & Rehabilitation Association honors the best completed real estate developments in the U.S. that have utilized federal rehabilitation tax credits, by presenting the J. Timothy Anderson (“Timmy”) Awards for Excellence in Historic Preservation.

A Different World: An America without the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

22 min read

George Bailey, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, surveyed his agency’s FY 2013 portfolio-level report. Across the board, results were dismal. With HUD alone bearing the burden of financing the development, renovation, and preservation of the nation’s entire supply of affordable housing, costs were rising; scandals abounded; and banks, investors, and states were unwilling to help.

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