Caitlin Jones • 1 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, August 2011: For the Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement, Inc., a Harlem, N.Y. nonprofit, a partnership with a major for-profit developer is providing the solution to upgrade and keep 14 apartment buildings affordable for years to come in a transaction that could serve as a model for preserving other expiring tax credit projects.
Caitlin Jones • 1 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, July 2011: With rising energy costs, it’s more important than ever for low-income housing tax credit properties to be as energy-efficient as possible.
Caitlin Jones • 1 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, July 2011: Technology is critical to cost-effective and efficient development and operation of low-income housing tax credit properties. And, true to its nature, it’s changing all the time.
Caitlin Jones • 1 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, July 2011: Sometimes you just don’t know where your next deal – or two – will come from. For Florida developer Debra Koehler, president of Tampa-based Sage Partners, LLC, you might say that the two low-income housing tax credit properties that she’s currently developing were heaven-sent opportunities.
Caitlin Jones • 1 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, July 2011: A new report documents the successful performance of the federal low-income housing tax credit program over its long history and finds that the credit compares favorably to supply-side government housing programs and the federal Section 1602 tax credit exchange program.
Caitlin Jones • 1 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, July 2011: The Internal Revenue Service is seeking ways to encourage greater investment in non-real estate businesses under the federal new markets tax credit program.
Caitlin Jones • 1 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, July 2011: A new report details how the federal historic rehabilitation tax credit has generated significant economic benefits in the last two years as well as over its life.
Caitlin Jones • 1 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, July 2011: The Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund has opened the ninth funding round under the federal new markets tax credit (NMTC) program and is soliciting applications from community development entities (CDEs) by July 27 for $3.5 billion in NMTC allocation authority.
Caitlin Jones • 1 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, July 2011: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and Fannie Mae have unveiled a new program to refinance existing affordable multifamily rental housing properties and provide funds to pay for energy and water efficiency upgrades.
Caitlin Jones • 1 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, July 2011: With rent increases impossible or minimal at most low-income housing tax credit properties, owners and developers are increasingly looking at way to shave costs while maintaining and improving the quality of their product.
Caitlin Jones • 1 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, July 2011: After weathering the distress caused by the Great Recession, most low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) markets experienced higher rents, occupancy levels, and revenues in 2010, and the vast majority of LIHTC properties continued to deliver tax benefits to investors and quality housing to residents.
Caitlin Jones • 1 min read
Tax Credit Advisor, July 2011: Data is born free, but everywhere it is enslaved: encrypted, password-protected, incompatibly compiled, or even just plain wrong.