Case Studies Archives

Case Study

Affordable Housing for Intergenerational, Multigenerational Families

6 min read

A big societal change in recent years has been that many grandparents are bringing up grandchildren. Now there are signs that affordable housing is starting to target these often low-income intergenerational or multigenerational families.

Case Study

Winds of Change Repurpose Old Aeolian Factory in CT

6 min read

Player pianos always have had an aura of magic as beautiful music emerges from them seemingly without human assistance. Now, some industrial magic is set to transform an old player piano factory in the north end of Meriden into beautiful multifamily units.

Case Study

Harlem Multifamily Project Committed to Carbon Neutrality

6 min read

Sometimes a building’s name is more than just a placeholder, revealing the passion and intention behind the project. That is certainly the case with The Beacon, which is intended to be a beacon to its East Harlem, NY neighborhood.

Case Study

Refining the Capital Stack for Multifamily 

6 min read

Historic tax credits can significantly help multifamily financing, particularly for projects involving the rehabilitation and preservation of historic buildings. The Ocean Center Apartments in Long Beach, CA, serves as an example.

Case Study

COVID Relief Aids Housing, but There’s a Deadline

8 min read

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), the official name of the COVID stimulus bill, wasn’t associated with housing at the time.

Case Study

A Lot Going on at Boston Back Bay Redevelopment

Service provider key for delivering supportive services

6 min read

The nearly 100-year-old and newly redeveloped 140 Clarendon St. in the Back Bay section of Boston has a lot going on under its roof.

Case Study

Rolling Up Rural Deals  

Preserving Aging Rural Housing Through Bond Finance

6 min read

Tax-exempt bond finance can be brought to bear on one of the nation’s most pressing needs: the preservation of aging rural housing portfolios.

Case Study

Using General Revenue Bonds to Support Workforce Housing

7 min read

Developers can partner with Public Housing Authorities (PHA) issuing General Revenue bonds to achieve workforce housing solutions that are superior to using traditional real estate finance, according to Sam Adams, managing director of capital markets at KeyBanc Capital Markets (KBCM), which issues such bonds.

Case Study

A Commerical to Residential Conversion

Jefferson Plaza Apartments in Woodbridge, VA

7 min read

The pandemic put a lot of stress on the retail sector, as health-conscious consumers turned to online shopping and started skipping trips to the local mall.

Case Study

DOE Rebate Program Gives LIHTC Deal Incentives

7 min read

Developers of Low Income Housing Tax Credit projects are used to the concept of complicated capital stacks for their deals.

Case Study

Replacing and Preserving Affordable Housing Amidst Urban Revitalization

The Perkins Homes Redevelopment – A“Choice Neighborhood”

7 min read

Since 2018, the City of Baltimore, the Housing Authority of Balti-more City (HABC), planners, architects and developers have been working on a comprehensive redevelopment of a large public housing project near the city’s famous Inner Harbor.

Case Study

Adaptive Reuse Turns Empty Storefronts into Affordable Housing

California’s Workforce Housing Solution

6 min read

The California city of Santa Barbara is an affluent place. Oprah Winfrey lives there. President Reagan had his ranch there. But its commercial district was starting to look ragged post-pandemic, with stores going out of business due to online competition from Amazon and others.

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