Case Studies Archives

Case Study

Terracina at Lancaster in Los Angeles County

5 min read

USA Properties Fund thinks big.

By developing a large number of affordable housing units in its projects, the Roseville, CA-based firm helps house more families and develops economies that reduce costs.

Case Study

Envision Cayce in Nashville, TN

8 min read

If you used painting as a metaphor for mixed-income housing projects, Nashville’s Envision Cayce would need to be displayed on a very large canvas indeed. Perhaps on the scale of the Sistine Chapel ceiling. And if everything works out the way it has started, people may well be calling it a masterpiece soon.

Case Study

Elizabeth Gardens in Miami, FL

6 min read

Low interest rates are enabling refinancing on multifamily projects that can free up money for developers to use on additional affordable and workforce housing production.

Case Study

Malcolm X Elementary School in Washington, DC

6 min read

Teachers will be returning to Washington, DC’s Malcolm X Elementary School, which closed in 2013. The city is renovating the old school to put in place a permanent home for an “early college” high school. But now they will also have the chance to live adjacent to the new school in a new development, as part of a District initiative to boost housing for educators.

Case Study

Fletcher-Johnson School in Washington, DC

6 min read

Extensive consultation with the residents of Washington, DC’s Ward 7 gave city officials and developers a clear sense of how local folk would like to see a vacant old school in the Marshall Heights section redeveloped. The residents wanted housing. Lots of it, rentals and homeownership units, housing for seniors, affordable, workforce, market rate. They wanted commercial properties, retail. Perhaps most of all, they wanted a grocery store for a neighborhood that currently doesn’t have one.

Case Study

Foothill Villas in San Bernardino, CA

6 min read

Residents at Foothill Villas Apartments in San Bernardino, CA stand to save more than $1,000 apiece in electricity costs after a solar photovoltaic system is installed as part of an extensive acquisition and rehab made possible by Low Income Housing Tax Credits.

Case Study

Bartlett Station in Boston’s Roxbury Neighborhood

6 min read

From the evidence of the Boston area, one good way to get a transit-oriented development (TOD) done is to site a housing project either directly adjacent to a transit line or on unused transit property itself. This month Tax Credit Advisor is featuring the third in a series of these Boston TODs, an ambitious development called Bartlett Station, going up on an old bus yard in the city’s Roxbury section.

Case Study

Copley Memorial Hospital in Aurora, IL

6 min read

An abandoned hospital campus is set to bring new life to a suburban Chicago neighborhood through an ambitious rehab that is to build housing, health care, social services and educational office space through financing using both Historic Tax Credits (HTC) and New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) equity.

Case Study

Park Yellowstone in Houston

6 min read

Affordable housing developments are never easy. But acquiring and rehabbing a 23-year-old project in Houston gave Vesta Corporation a few more hoops to jump through than just fixing old roofs and redoing faulty water lines. In addition to the nuts and bolts of this comprehensive $30 million renovation, the developer found the state housing agency wanted to see some non-construction improvements as well, like better educational opportunities for residents and a reduction of crime and blight in the neighborhood.

Case Study

A.O. Flats in Boston

6 min read

A.O. Flats, a Greater Boston housing development that takes its name from two local landmarks (A for Arborway from the Arnold Arboretum and O for Orange from the Orange transit line), itself will be a blend of two types of residences. Both affordable and workforce housing residents are putting down roots in the Boston neighborhood of Jamaica Plain just a short commuter ride from center city.

Case Study

Zoo Atlanta

6 min read

Not many buildings have their own rail system, much less one that runs across the ceiling. And very few have conference rooms where you can look out and see elephants and giraffes from the windows. But Zoo Atlanta’s Savanna Hall has both.

Case Study

The Loop at Mattapan Station

5 min read

Income averaging has achieved tax credit eligibility for all 135 units, including workforce housing units at up to 80 percent of area median income (AMI), at a development set to rise from a Boston trolley parking lot.

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