Monthly Columns Archives

icon Blueprint for April

The Value of Gold

4 min read

As the National Housing & Rehabilitation Association celebrates its 50th Anniversary in 2022, I find myself celebrating a shorter but still momentous anniversary. I joined Tax Credit Advisor’s editorial team seven years ago this month, which, fortuitously, coincides with my officially taking over as Editor-in-Chief of the magazine.  

icon The Guru Is In

50 Years of Difference-Makers

6 min read

Because life makes sense only in retrospect, we’re seldom aware in the moment that someone else’s action can change our lives forever. Nor will your benefactor know, then or after, just how seminal his or her small action was, and somehow, you’ve never thanked those who helped you.  

icon Breaking Ground

Mark Schuster, CEO, The Wingate Companies

7 min read

As we reflect back over the past 50 years and recognize some of our most prominent and supportive members in the National Housing & Rehabilitation Association, The Wingate Companies (founding members of NH&RA) needs to be on that list.   

icon Blueprint for March

Encouraging News in a Discouraging Time

3 min read

Hello again. I’ve been invited to drop in for a visit, like the retired old baseball player asked to throw out the first pitch and then turn the mound over to a younger, stronger arm. 

icon The Guru Is In

It’s Ba-a-a-ck

5 min read

Forcibly caged in 1982, and virtually somnolent for the last two decades, inflation is back with such a vengeance that the Administration is using ever more grandiloquent circumlocutions to deny its existence.   

icon Breaking Ground

Caleb Roope, CEO and President of The Pacific Companies

11 min read

For nearly 20 years, Caleb Roope, CEO and president of The Pacific Companies has used volumetric modular offsite construction for a portion of his company’s development projects.

icon Blueprint for February

Half a Century of People Making Connections

3 min read

This has been a fun issue of Tax Credit Advisor for me to work on. We’re helping National Housing & Rehabilitation Association (NH&RA) kick off its 50th anniversary celebration in 2022.

icon Breaking Ground

Geoffrey Brown, President & CEO, USA Properties Fund and Incoming NH&RA Chairman

11 min read

When the National Housing & Rehabilitation Association (NH&RA) convenes in Palm Beach, FL later this month for its Annual Meeting, Geoff Brown will officially become the next chairman of the Board of Directors.

icon The Guru Is In

American Affordable Housing in 50 Years

5 min read

When predicting the future, science fiction authors have a better group track record than engineers, because their imaginations aren’t hamstrung by too much learning.

icon Blueprint for January

The Common Good is the Common Thread

3 min read

The new year always brings new hopes and the potential for a fresh start. I try to be a glass half full kind of guy, but it’s tough as we slog through the third winter of the global pandemic.

icon The Guru Is In

Early Days in Urban Health Reconstruction

7 min read

During 1858’s Great Stink, London’s Thames River was so foul that members of Parliament fled, and Parliament shut down.

icon Blueprint for December

Everything Old is New Again

3 min read

It’s the time of year many companies conduct performance reviews. If I were 2021’s supervisor, I think I would give the year an “exceeds expectations” rating.

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