Monthly Columns Archives

icon Blueprint for November

The Future of Senior Housing Starts Now

4 min read

I like to joke with other parents that we need to treat our children well, because someday they’ll be choosing our senior living arrangements and I’d like to live someplace nice.

icon The Guru Is In

Time to Wake Up Sleeping Capital

4 min read

When disruption threatens health and prosperity, whom does duty call, and to what action?

icon Blueprint for October

The Importance of Perspective

4 min read

Thanks for picking up this month’s copy of Tax Credit Advisor. I’m the new executive editor, taking over from Marty Bell who is enjoying a well-earned retirement after bringing you news about industry innovation. Marty left some big shoes to fill, and it’s my goal to build on his efforts to give you the information and analysis you need to help you identify opportunities in your sector of the market. NH&RA is here to help you build your business, and our team wants to make this magazine and all our other content well worth your memberships and subscriptions.

icon The Guru Is In

The Guru Is In:129: Where You Stand Depends On Where You Live

5 min read

If the pandemic itself doesn’t decide the upcoming election, the voters’ judgment of their elected officials’ policy responses to its consequences will. And voters’ pandemic experiences are wildly diverse based on many things – most especially on their housing, what it is and where it is.

icon Blueprint for September


4 min read

Working with this organization for 11 years, I have devoted a good deal of my time addressing the needs of older adults along with many of you.

icon Blueprint for August

May the Force Be with Us

3 min read

The future seems to have arrived on our doorstep. Robots have been employed to construct multifamily homes. If you’re a SciFi fan, you no longer have to go to the movies, you can visit a prefab housing factory instead.

icon The Guru Is In

Precipitating Out of a Supersaturation

6 min read

Once it starts, a thunderstorm is unstoppable: the sunny seeming equilibrium of a moment before becomes a torrent whose cooling reinforces itself, reversing in a few minutes what took hours to build up.

icon Blueprint for July

Are We Listening?

7 min read

Madi Ford is listening. As you will read in this month’s Talking Heads interview (p. 6), her team at MidCity Financial includes a director of community engagement, as well as additional staff committed to listening to the residents and to neighbors.

icon The Guru Is In

Inclusive Healthy Housing Infrastructure

6 min read

Because infrastructure always reaches the poorest last, its networks are always uneven. Because the business case for prevention can never be made until the cost of allowing failure is proven, preventive policies arise only after catastrophe.

icon The Guru Is In

Extinction, Innovation and Reform

5 min read

Catastrophe is both precondition for and stimulus of three things – sudden extinction, explosive innovation and enduring reform. As all three happen speedily, each vies with the other two for primacy.

icon Blueprint for June

Building As a Foundation of Hope

3 min read

In these darkest of times, this month’s Tax Credit Advisor devotes our pages to hope.

icon The Guru Is In

Healthy Housing On the Horizon

4 min read

Insufficient ventilation and insanitary surroundings reduce the vital resisting power of individuals exposed to such conditions; overcrowding causes closer contact with the infected individuals, and the absence of sunlight prevents the destruction of disease germs by nature’s principal disinfecting agent.

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