Monthly Columns Archives

icon The Guru Is In

Drawing a Red Line Around That Area

4 min read

If my instincts are correct, a seven page complaint filed on March 28, 2019, HUD v. Facebook, may one day be seen as an industry-disrupting legal event on par with U.S. v. Microsoft (1998) and U.S. v. IBM (1969). HUD accuses Facebook of violating the Fair Housing Act’s prohibitions on discrimination:

icon Blueprint for April

Hooray for RAD!

3 min read

For those of us, no matter our leanings, who are frustrated by the lack of functionality of government, whose taxes have shot up significantly as a result of tax reform, whose personal or business healthcare costs continue to rise, this is an issue about a federal program that, by all appearances, is working.

icon The Guru Is In

The reunification of affordable housing

5 min read

In 1975, the year I got into this business, American residential rental housing was split into three utterly separate domains.

icon The Guru Is In

The leadership California needs

4 min read

Over the last eight years, California’s Bay Area added 167,000 new homes, while adding four times as many jobs: 750,000. Yet when voters were asked to explain the causes of California’s runaway unaffordability, the worst in the nation, they cited lack of rent control first; restrictive zoning came in last.

icon Blueprint for March

American Urban Housing Tour

3 min read

All aboard! Welcome, and we’re glad you’re joining us today for this grand tour of affordable housing situations and civic innovations in cities all across our country.

icon Blueprint for February

The Feel Good Issue

3 min read

Is it bragging if I open this issue by declaring it a win-win? Actually, it’s a win-win-win-win—for affordable housing management, for their residents, for government and for our readers.

icon The Guru Is In

How to work yourself out of a job

5 min read

Many executives I know and respect are afflicted with what I’ve dubbed the perception of essentiality – the belief that not only is their work broadly essential to the organization, each element of how they do it is likewise essential and personal, else the organization suffers.

icon The Guru Is In

Subsidy’s conduit, subsidy’s camouflage

5 min read

Finance is not subsidy, though they are easily confused in people’s minds. Affordable housing always needs subsidy in one form or another – so why the recent fascination with state and local housing bonds?

icon Blueprint for January


3 min read

I bonded with Ballotpedia.

icon Blueprint for December

New Markets in a New Marketplace

3 min read

Hey, all you folks out there oozing over OZones: remember New Markets Tax Credits?

icon The Guru Is In

The wonderful new markets of OZ

5 min read

In 2001, roughly as the New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC)was coming into effect, Apple introduced the iPod.

icon Blueprint for November

Hot Button Issues

3 min read

What is the future of affordable housing in America going to look like? Are we as a society going to have the will and as an industry going to have the means to significantly increase volume and accommodate everyone from the lowest incomes to the middle-income workforce?

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