Monthly Columns Archives

icon Blueprint for May

Sherlock’s Homes

3 min read

In our cover story this month, staff writer Mark Olshaker interviews the leaders of the various tax credit coalitions on advocacy plans in the face of potential tax reform. (Defending the Forts).

icon Blueprint for April

We Need Advocates

4 min read

One of the primary roles of the President of the United States is encouraging and overseeing creation. Nations have problems and we elect a head of state to find solutions.

icon The Guru Is In

RAD and the preference cascade

4 min read

The voluntary public housing revolution has yet to cost HUD a dollar: in fact, the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) has leveraged $8.90 for every dollar of public housing funds deployed, generating $3.9 billion of construction investment on the 59,000 apartments that have closed, with another 126,000 on deck, which together are liberating 185,000 apartments from the 1.3 million home public housing inventory and awakening the hitherto squelched or sublimated entre- preneurial capacity of public housing authorities, many of whom may never have known they had it in them.

icon The Guru Is In

Bringing School Home

6 min read

Because the cycle of poverty is generational, to break it we must adopt a generational approach, enlisting the whole family so that those who are older can help those who are younger aspire to, and achieve, more than their parents did.

icon Blueprint for March


4 min read

Transitions are times of anxiety and uncertainty. We know what we have, but we don’t know what we are going to get. Patience is probably the best antidote. It is difficult to anticipate outcomes. But that is not going to stop us.

icon Blueprint for February

What’s in your tool box?

3 min read

During the past couple of years, we have reported frequently in these pages on the evolution of the relationship between housing and healthcare.

icon The Guru Is In

The doctor will make house calls

6 min read

Not for the last time, President-elect Trump confounded expectations when he nominated as HUD secretary a pediatric neurosurgeon and unsuccessful Presidential candidate.

icon The Guru Is In

The Sky Isn’t Falling

6 min read

Among those destabilized by the aftershocks from our recent presidential election are many of my colleagues and friends, for whom the conjoining of ‘tax reform’ and ‘Trump’ have had an effect on their check-writing hands similar to a crowbar whacking their ulnar nerves.

icon Blueprint for January

The Concert and the Album

4 min read

In this issue, you will find detailed reporting on everything mentioned above from that informative day in Boston. NH&RA’s Fall Forum was the concert. This issue is the album.

icon The Guru Is In

“Dear Mr. President-Elect”

5 min read

Knowing as I do that you are on tenterhooks to read my monthly Guru column, allow me to advise you on how your housing policy can be a centerpiece of your delivery of the vision on which you campaigned – a land of economic and social opportunity for all Americans.

icon Blueprint for December

Palliative Construction

3 min read

You read it right. That’s $7,000,000,000. Seven Billion. It’s the value of the New Markets Tax Credits allocated by the Treasury Department’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund to 120 Community Development Entities in 36 states to develop businesses and improve lives in underserved communities.

icon The Guru Is In

The asset class under our noses

5 min read

In early October, the Urban Land Institute’s (ULI) Terwilliger Center for Housing and the National Association of Affordable Housing Lenders (NAAHL) co-hosted a day-long symposium/roundtable on what we decided by the end of the day just might be an emerging asset class whose preservation is integral to the success of America’s cities and the urban economy.

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