Monthly Columns Archives

icon Blueprint for November

Barack’s Blocks

3 min read

By the time you read this, we will have elected a new President.

icon The Guru Is In

Historic verticality

4 min read

When first I saw a gleaming new tower sprouting within, and above, the five-story brick crust that was all that remained of a decrepit century-old block whose guts had been scoured out and trundled away, I thought the surface preservation both incongruous and a waste of money. In the decades since then, I’ve changed my mind even as the world’s historic cities have changed around us.

icon Blueprint for October

Everything Old is New Again

3 min read

History is au courant. Not old history; new history. “Game of Thrones” wins the Emmy, “Spotlight” wins the Oscar and “Hamilton” wins the Tony. And what they all share is a fresh look at history through a contemporary prism. Kind of like an old building rehabbed for contemporary usage. Right?

icon The Guru Is In

Turning refugees into Americans

5 min read

If the world’s 60 million refugees were a nation, they would be the world’s 23rd largest, with more people than South Africa or Italy. All of them have lost their homes, and all of them desperately want a home – in fact, not just a home, but a secure and stable place from which they can build new lives. While many may feel emotionally that ‘home’ is where they came from, most know that to build a new life they must migrate somewhere – within their country or to a new country.

icon Blueprint for September

Feel the Burn

3 min read

The flames glowing along the Providence River you see on this month’s cover are part of an event called WaterFire, that began as an artistic installation and has grown into an annual Rhode Island arts festival and celebration. When the photos of this event were presented at the NH&RA Summer Institute, I immediately decided this would be our next cover

icon Blueprint for August

The Return of House Calls

3 min read

The memories of our childhoods are quaint and fond. Vinyl records, vanilla Carvel and Vin Scully. The Little Rascals and the Young Rascals. Milk delivered to our home in the morning, the newspaper on the lawn in the afternoon, and the doctor examining us in our own bedroom. Dr. Brown was her name. (Yes, she was a she…and yes, this was in the early ‘50s.)

icon The Guru Is In

Crossing the funding Stream

5 min read

As will be amply demonstrated elsewhere in this month’s Tax Credit Advisor, the conceptual case for using improvements in affordable housing to improve healthcare outcomes is overwhelming. Common sense, personal experience, a nearly unanimous view of affordable housing providers, a host of expert opinions, statistical studies – everything favors it.

icon Blueprint for July

Good Summer Reading

3 min read

I know that on your summer vacation you usually like to get away from thinking about work and bury yourself in a romance or mystery. But I’m afraid what we are offering you this July is going to be too tantalizing for you to escape. You might associate summer reading with fluff, but this issue is packed with a lot of red meat.

icon The Guru Is In

The Guru is In: Affordable rental isn’t a tenure, it’s a business

4 min read

A few weeks ago at the World Bank’s biannual Global Housing Finance Summit, a conference of roughly 350 housing executives from around the world (mainly from national governments and the Bank itself), I spoke on Financing Housing Down the Income Pyramid, and the ensuing Q&A session produced this challenging question from the audience, “How do we create effective affordable rental tenures?” That choice of words instantly set me thinking, and in formulating my answer, I stumbled on the right way to frame the question.

icon Blueprint for June

A Wink and a Nod

3 min read

Hope this month’s cover got your attention. And if you’ve arrived at this page, I guess it did. When I find myself waiting in the checkout line at Safeway with nothing to do but stare at all the celebrities on the magazine covers, I’m envious that the editors of those publications can depend on famous faces to lure you inside.

icon The Guru Is In

The Guru is In: “They’ll write a check for something they won’t vote for”

5 min read

When soliloquized by megalomaniacal president Frank Underwood in House of Cards, our title quote sought to prove his opponents’ hypocrisy. But it actually reveals quite the opposite: a profound divide between two philosophies that affects almost every part of the affordable housing business.

icon Blueprint for May

RAD is the Rage!

3 min read

Attendance at this year’s annual meeting of the National Housing & Rehabilitation Association at the Breakers in Palm Beach was a record high for the 34 year-old organization. Along with Henry Flagler’s beach palace, an aggressive level of development activity and the chance to network with industry luminaries, I have to think one of the lures was an entire day’s symposium devoted to the progress of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program.

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