Monthly Columns Archives

icon Breaking Ground

Tony Bertoldi, Co-President, CREA, LLC

10 min read

Tony Bertoldi has devoted nearly three decades to the affordable housing business and currently serves as co-president at CREA, LLC, a national Low Income Housing Tax Credit syndicator, where he and his team manage all investment funds and investor relationships.

icon Blueprint for November

The “Tax Credit Club”

3 min read

Many types of tax credits exist, but there are a few that stand out.

icon Breaking Ground

Kermit Billups, Executive Vice President and Co-Founder, Greenline Ventures

9 min read

When it was founded in 2004, Greenline Ventures was one of the earliest adopters, and today remains one of the most frequent users, of New Markets Tax Credits to invest in small businesses in underserved communities throughout the country.

icon The Guru Is In

The Guru Is In:The Wrong Way to Address Homelessness

5 min read

Of the brutal realities of American urban homelessness, there can be no doubt: the problem is out of control, the cities are its front lines, and they are desperate for any action.

icon Industry Insights

Return of the LIHTC/Historic Tax Credit Master Lease Pass-Through Structure

2 min read

In a financial environment that is challenging for getting deals to the closing table, all sorts of structures that might generate additional proceeds need to be considered.

icon Legally Speaking

Do You Have a Solar Strategy?

& 6 min read

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) provides a broad range of new incentives to install solar energy equipment, many of which are available to Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) projects and some that are uniquely available for affordable housing.

icon Blueprint for October

The Best of Both Worlds

3 min read

George Orwell said, “Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.”

icon Breaking Ground

Sharon Wilson Géno, President, National Multifamily Housing Council

12 min read

Sharon Wilson Géno, President, National Multifamily Housing Council

icon Industry Insights

Better Serving Residents Through Efficient Property Management

3 min read

Property managers are often asked to wear many hats: owners’ representative, rent collector, social worker, maintenance coordinator, event planner and building/systems expert, just to name a few. It’s a complex, multi-faceted job that I have immense respect for, especially as they served on the front lines during the pandemic and continue to adapt to a dramatically shifting landscape.

icon Legally Speaking

HOTMA: An Overview of Changes

5 min read

The Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) introduces significant changes to many aspects of multifamily programs through amendments to certain sections of the United States Housing Act of 1937.

icon The Guru Is In

In Lieu of the Cliff

5 min read

For most Americans, the accommodation we all want most to vacate is the hospital: no privacy, noisy with sounds one would rather not hear, hard to sleep, food bland or worse and hideously expensive.

icon Blueprint for September

Affordable housing quality across the globe

3 min read

The challenge of providing sufficient affordable housing is not unique to the United States as governments around the world struggle to produce both quantity and quality of housing.

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