Monthly Columns Archives

icon Breaking Ground

Adhi Nagraj, Chief Development Officer, McCormack Baron Salazar, Inc.

13 min read

Since February 2022, Adhi Nagraj has served as the chief development officer at St. Louis-based McCormack Baron Salazar—one of the nation’s leading for-profit developers, property managers and asset managers—overseeing all project management activities nationwide.

icon The Guru Is In

The Partner-Ship of Theseus

6 min read

In 1602, clever Amsterdam burghers invented the ancestor of today’s limited partnerships, the Dutch East India Company.

icon Blueprint for June

Mixing It Up

2 min read

Mixed-income projects transform neighborhoods, decrease poverty and reduce exposure to environmental hazards.

icon Breaking Ground

Breaking Ground:Maria Barry, Community Development Banking National Executive, Bank of America  

11 min read

Bank of America Community Development Banking (CDB) provided $7.85 billion in loans, tax credit equity investments and other real estate development solutions in 2022, surpassing the previous record of $6.7 billion generated in 2021.

icon Legally Speaking

Ironing Out Mixed-Income Projects

& 7 min read

As financing of affordable housing projects becomes more complex, ironing out the tax issues can make you appreciate today’s casual dress code.

icon The Guru Is In

Affordable Housing is Tocquevillean

5 min read

Affordable housing is a byproduct of a pluralistic democratic society; more than that, it is a goal whose pursuit creates and strengthens a pluralistic democratic society in ways that would gladden the heart of Alexis Charles Henri Clérel, Comte de Tocqueville.

icon Industry Insights

Broad, Bipartisan, Bicameral Support

4 min read

Last month, the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act was reintroduced in both the House and Senate as H.R. 3238 and S. 1557.

icon Legally Speaking

Evolution of the Aggregator’s Playbook

& 7 min read

Federal tax credits under the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program continue to be one of the most important tools for developing affordable housing in the country.

icon Industry Insights

Zoning, Zoning, Zoning

4 min read

Embedded within the real estate adage, “Location, Location, Location,” is the all-important, yet oft-overlooked zoning.

icon The Guru Is In

A Foolish Inconsistency

5 min read

A simple principle can have far-reaching consequences when its consistent application exposes policy or outcome inconsistencies taken for granted for decades.

icon Breaking Ground

Ralph Perrey, Executive Director, Tennessee Housing Development Agency

9 min read

Ralph M. Perrey has served as the executive director of the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) since November 2012.

icon Blueprint for May

Vive La Industrial Revolution!

3 min read

The Industrial Revolution changed the landscape of economics and society, not once, not twice, but three times.

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