The Guru Is In Archives

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The urban palimpsest

5 min read

In 1229, Christian monks in Jerusalem, rummaging about for parchment, unbound a centuries-old codex, scraped off what was written on it, refolded the leaves in half, and wrote atop the now-smaller book, at right angles, new liturgical texts for the Holy Land’s faithful knights.

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Schrodinger’s tax

5 min read

By the time you read this, tax-exempt private activity bonds will be dead. Or they won’t. The New Markets Tax Credit will be dead. Or it won’t. The top corporate bracket will be 20 percent. Or it won’t.

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Twelve steps to leadership development

5 min read

If a true test of a company’s sustainability is its ability to transition from a founding or visionary CEO or leadership team to a next generation of both, then the affordable housing industry is in a watershed, where we are about to discover how many of today’s leading companies will still be so in half a decade.

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Which switches to flip?

5 min read

So long have the Historic and Low Income Housing Tax Credits existed substantively unchanged that we take both for granted, not just in their existence but also in their particulars – procedural switches that were set one way for the Historic Credit, another for the LIHTC.

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À travers le miroir

6 min read

Just to our north lies a country whose population, eight percent less than California’s, is spread out over a land two percent larger than America, a country whose dominant language is the same as ours, and whose housing challenges are a refracted mirror image of ours at home, with fragments that are like ours but assembled in configurations entirely different from ours.

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The missing skill in asset management

5 min read

If asset management is the core competency of durable developers and investors, then asset valuation is a core skill of durable asset managers, and one that’s often under-resourced.

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Changing the cost conversation

5 min read

When the conversation turns to high cost, we wish it would go away. We are defensive, hesitant, technical and long-winded; modes of argument that make the industry look like complacent apologists for the status quo. Though our mode of argument hasn’t cost us yet, if we allow others to frame the debate, inevitably it will.

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The missing actor in workforce housing

5 min read

For every employee seeking affordable housing, there is an employer wishing the employee finds it – and not knowing how it can be created. Yet what employers can do is enormous, if we show them how to deploy the resources they already have.

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Affordable Housing for Just Regular Folks

5 min read

It is the curse of the expert to be unaware of what regular folks don’t know about his or her subject.

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RAD and the preference cascade

4 min read

The voluntary public housing revolution has yet to cost HUD a dollar: in fact, the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) has leveraged $8.90 for every dollar of public housing funds deployed, generating $3.9 billion of construction investment on the 59,000 apartments that have closed, with another 126,000 on deck, which together are liberating 185,000 apartments from the 1.3 million home public housing inventory and awakening the hitherto squelched or sublimated entre- preneurial capacity of public housing authorities, many of whom may never have known they had it in them.

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Bringing School Home

6 min read

Because the cycle of poverty is generational, to break it we must adopt a generational approach, enlisting the whole family so that those who are older can help those who are younger aspire to, and achieve, more than their parents did.

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The doctor will make house calls

6 min read

Not for the last time, President-elect Trump confounded expectations when he nominated as HUD secretary a pediatric neurosurgeon and unsuccessful Presidential candidate.

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